Allow or disallow complex entities

Allow or disallow complex entities

This command can be used any at time on a running system to allow/disallow creation of complex entities.  Hence a dictionary model can at any time switch between allowing and disallowing creation of complex entity definitions. Complex entity instances can be created at any time, independent of the NO_COMPLEX_ENTITIES_ALLOWED option being set or not, provided that the required complex entity is defined in the dictionary model when the actual “create entity instance” operation is performed.


The main new updates in this version is the handling of dictionary models in a server system. In previous versions, dictionary models are copied to the appservers after each dictionary model update. The reason for this, is to handle dynamic updates of a dictionary model in “parallel” by more appservers when creating complex entities (creating complex entity instances). This copying of dictionary models takes time when running with more appservers and large dictionary models.A new compiler option NO_COMPLEX_ENTITIES_ALLOWED  (xpxNO_COMPLEX_ENTITIES_ALLOWED) is implemented to enable this performance optimization. Dictionary models with this option enabled are never copied to the appservers, i.e., all appservers are using the same “original”  (server) dictionary model.  Dictionary models with this option disabled will be still copied after each update (change).