On-boarding Document Arrowhead Framework Integration-EDMtruePLM (ISO10303) repository

On-boarding Document Arrowhead Framework Integration-EDMtruePLM (ISO10303) repository

EDMtruePLM has implemented an AHT JAVA Provider that can be accessed via a REST APIThis allows AHT Consumers to use sensor data saved in ISO 10303 format. In order to work with the AHT Provider the following steps must be followed.


Case 1 - Jotne's AHT Provider (Jotne's site) and Customer's Consumer (consumer site): If the Customer is using Jotne's AHT Provider and their own Consumer, they need to follow Step three only. Jotne will be responsible to complete Step one & two for the customer.

Case 2 - Jotne's AHT Provider and Consumer both on a Customer site: Customer has to follow all the steps mentioned below.

REST API Link: “This link is only available for users that have valid Arrowhead certificates – please send an email to helpdesk@jotne.com


Step one

  1. Create a project in EDMtruePLM
    1. Log into the EDMtruePLM server as the system administrator, see How to log into EDMtruePLM. (Note: Only valid if one has its own EDMtruePLM installation. For others, please contact Jotne's helpdesk - helpdesk@jotne.com)
    2. Create a project, see Add a new Project
    3. Create a new user, see Add a new user
    4. Create a user that is used by the Jotne AHT Provider to connect to EDMtruePLM. Contact helpdesk@jotne.com for details of user credentials.
    5. Assign the user created in c) to the project as a "project manager", see Add a new user
    6. Assign the user needed for the Provider to the project with the "project admin" role.
    7. Log out
  2. Log into the new project as the project manager, see Select the project from the user's project list
  3. Create a product structure, see How to work with EDMtruePLM breakdown structure


A user with predefined credentials and with project admin role, must be available in the project for the AHT Provider to work correctly.

Step two

Now that the fundamentals are in place you can create the placeholders for the sensor data. EDMtruePLM allows users to extend the breakdown concepts by adding new metadata to the breakdown; sensor data is one of these possible extensions. Do the following to extend your project to include sensor data:

  1. Open the reference data page, see Opening the RDL page
  2. Create a new breakdown element type for your sensor, see Adding and deleting project reference data. It is advised to create one breakdown element type for each sensor type that has different properties compared to other sensor types. Thus, when browsing sensor data you will only see properties that are relevant for this type of sensor. 
  3. Create an aggregate type to hold the sensor data, see Adding an aggregate structure

    An example of such an aggregate type property for sensor data is shown below:

  4. Create a new breakdown element property based on the created aggregate structure for the breakdown element type that represents the sensor type, see Adding breakdown element property. This will add to this breakdown element type an aggregate property for the sensor data.
  5. In addition, create a new breakdown element property called "serial number" for the breakdown element type that represents the sensor type. This will hold the sensor's serial number, which is used by the AHT Provider to identify the sensor.

The value of the serial number property is used by the Jotne Arrowhead Provider to find the correct node within the system. 

You have to create one aggregate property type for each sensor type; add each aggregate property type to its corresponding breakdown element type that represents the sensor type in EDMtruePLM. 

Step three

To extract or store data in EDMtruePLM from the AHT environment you must now create an Arrowhead Consumer; see Demo AHT provider and consumer. The Consumer must use the Jotne AHT Provider defined services from the Provider cloud to get access to the sensor data.

The list of the Provider service names from the AHT Registry are as follows:

  • "trueplm-sensors-in-project-service" (proj)
  • "trueplm-sensor-by-sn-service" (proj) (sn)
  • "trueplm-get-sensor-data-service" (proj) (sn) (prop)
  • "trueplm-add-sensor-data-service" (proj) (sn) (prop)

Replace the values in parentheses as follows:

  • proj: EDMtruePLM project name
  • sn:  the value of serial number
  • prop: the name of the aggregate property

Data is sent and received in json and include the elements of the aggregate struct type defined in Step two.:

Sample sensor data used by Jotne EDMtruePLM AHT provider
			"timestamp": "1562062913",
			"SensorMeasurement": [
					"Measurement": "ax",
					"value": "390"
					"Measurement": "ay",
					"value": "-935"
					"Measurement": "az",
					"value": "-29"
					"Measurement": "battery",
					"value": "2977"
					"Measurement": "humidity",
					"value": "48"
					"Measurement": "pressure",
					"value": "99555"
					"Measurement": "rssi",
					"value": "-93"
					"Measurement": "temperature",
					"value": "1420"

Each element defined in the aggregate structure is in the JSON format listed as a value of "Measurement".


Consumers should be designed to cope for possible service interruptions on the Provider side to avoid that incoming data get lost. Intermediate storage may be useful.

Arrowhead certificates

The certificates of two connecting cloud systems must be unique to them. For a test you may use the "testcloud1" and "testcloud2" certificates that come with the Arrowhead tools core src. For a more permanent installation and for use in a wider AHT network the owners of Consumers and Providers need to create their own certificates. 

In order to obtain Jotne's certificate, please contact helpdesk@jotne.com for details.


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