Define remote debug conditions

Define remote debug conditions

This allows to set up XPX code debugger.

It is used to debug query functions and map schemata.

Is it really possible to define and use multiple debug conditions?


Server context name:

Context name to identify connection.
When activating corresponding Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

EDMappServer (port#):

It is spossible to specify one ore multiple app servers to be used for debug.

If empty any availabe app server will be used.

It is suggected to leave the field empty.

Method types to debug:

What type of operations shall be debugged.

Specify one by clicking Select button.
QEX - debug query function

XPX - debug map (Express-x) schema

Other types are not normally in use

Remote Expres/Express-x schema

Select existing Express schema or Express-x schema

Remote QuerySchema/RuleSchema

Select existing either query schema or rule schema

Remote query

Select query function from specified query schema

It is applicabe if query schema has been selected before.

The field can be empty. In this case any query function can be debugged.

Remote target model repository

Optional. Applicable for query schema and map schema. If not specified, any repositories will be in use

Remote target model

Optional. Applicable for query schema and map schema. Select model from specified above repository.

If not specified, any models will be in use

Remote source models repositories:

Optional. Applicable for map schema only.

Remote source models:

Optional. Applicable for map schema only.

Remote group:

Optional. If specified, operations launched by users from specified group will be debugged

Remote user:

Optional. If specified, operations launched by specified user will be debugged

Max. debugged client wait time:

Time in seconds that system waits specified query or map schema suspensed to allow to connect to debugger since a query function or map schema is launched.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

match selected input:


wait for debugable client


deleting existing debug condition

If checked, it allows to redefine (delete and create new) previously defined condition.

reset server context


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