Removing EDM license and EDM_HOME_

Removing EDM license and EDM_HOME_

Open the "Environment variable" form by going to the "Control panel" and, then "System" and then "Advanced system settings" (Control Panel\System and Security\System). Click on the "Environment variables" button. Remove the "EDM_LIC_xxx_xxxx" item from the system variables list; xxx is your license number. Afterwards, remove "%EDM_HOME%\bin" from the path variable by selecting the Path variable from the system variables and clicking on the edit button; see Figure 20, below.

Figure 20. Remove System variables
EDM6ServerConsole system

EDM6ServerConsole is a separate application that is delivered alongside of EDMtruePLM. Through this software you can manage different EDMserver solutions and start and stop them as MS Windows services. The software has two separate components

  1. EDMservice: This is a Windows service that will monitor EDM solutions and make sure that they are running.
  2. EDM6ServerConsole: This is the GUI console that can manage the EDMserver and setup solutions.

Reference: EDM6ServerConsole configuration

Installing and starting the EDMservice

Before using the system, EDMservice must be installed and started as a Windows service.
Windows services can only be installed by using the "Windows Administration role".

Figure 21. Starting the command prompt as an administrator
This will open the administrator command window.

Figure 22. Administrator command prompt
Go to the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Jotne\EDMmodelServer_plcs\edmcore-v602.212.98\bin) of the EDMsix installation and execute the following command:
EDM6Service.exe -i

Figure 23. EDMservice as a Windows installation
This will install the EDMservice as a Windows service on your system. To start the service run the command without any arguments.
EDMservice shall automatically start after a Windows reboot.
Starting the EDM6ServerConsole

Start the EDM6ServerConsole by running the EDM6serverConsole.exe either from the command window or from the shortcut placed on the desktop. If the EDMservice is not yet started, the following error message will be displayed.

Figure 24. Error from EDM6ServerConsole
The EDM6ServerConsole is the GUI management tool for the EDMserver and applications based on EDMserver, like EDMtruePLM. An EDMserver solution is a combination of the following settings:

  • EDMSix server and application server executables
  • EDMserver runtime configurations
  • EDM database configuration.

Through this application you can create, delete, start, and stop solutions based on EDMsix server and application servers.
EDM6ServerConsole GUI

For configuring the EDM6ServerConsole open the "Tools" → "Application settings" menu item.

Figure 25. EDM6ServerConsole main window
Note: In above figure, 10007 is the EDM license number. Your computer may use a different license number.
The following sections will go through the different options within the EDM6ServerConsole setting panel.
Common settings

Figure 26. Common settings
The common setting panel allows a user to setup the path for the internal EDM6ServerConsole configuration file, solution database location, and the port it uses to communicate with the EDMservice, EDM6Service port. To change the port, you must first change the port here and then restart the EDMservice. This will update the EDMservice port number.

The port number must not be blocked or used by any other application.
Console settings

Figure 27. Console setting
The console setting allows the user to adjust how the EDM6ServerConsole behaves.

Application settings

This tab will allow you to configure the behaviour of the EDM6ServerConsole GUI.


This tab allows you to configure the event log window and the EDMserver and EDMappserver logs; see section A.3.4 for details of application servers (EDMappserver).
Service crash settings

The service settings are explained below.

Auto restart setting

The auto restart setting allows a user to configure how the EDMservice should react if the EDMserver has crashed. By default, the EDMservice restarts the EDMserver after each crash. If the EDMserver has crashed for the maximum number of counts within the time period, "Reset restart count after", the EDMservice will not restart the EDMserver, if it crashes again. After the time period, the counter will reset to zero. This will also happen if the Windows system is rebooted or the EDMservice is restarted.

Figure 28. Auto restart solution
Email notification

EDM6Service can send e-mail notifications in case of EDMserver crash or similar issues.
E-mails are sent via a dedicated SMTP server. You need to select this option to enable email notifications and complete the form with necessary information.

Figure 29. Email notification
Start Solution

A solution (EDMserver + one or multiple app servers + optionally Tomcat) can be started and stopped manually. There is an option to start/restart solutions automatically.

Figure 30. Start solution

Database backup procedure can be scheduled once a day. During backup, the corresponding solution is stopped. The EDM database is copied to a defined folder as a ZIP package. The solution is restarted automatically after backup.

Figure 31. Backup
Memory usage check

This option should be switched off.

Figure 32. Memory usage check
Solution configuration

A solution is a setting to start one EDMserver and one or multiple application servers, also called appservers.
Before starting a solution, its components must be configured. To manage a component configuration, either use the menu item for that component or use the component tab. In addition, the component tab shows the list of different configurations for the component.
All components are configured automatically during installation of the EDMtruePLM server.
Simple user actions are needed to complete the solution configuration.
We assume here that the EDM license was installed before the installation of the EDMservice. In this case the "Solution" tab (see Figure 33) has at least one row with a license number at the first column.
Drop down lists in column 2 (Server), 3 (Configuration) and 4 (Database) should offer selections. More details are given in the sections, below.
It is recommended to set a tick to the check box in the column before "Start/Stop" button. In this case the solution will be started automatically when Windows is restarted.

Figure 33. Database drop down list
After setting the above details, the solution can be started manually by clicking the "Start" button.

  1. It is not possible to edit or remove components of a solution when the solution is running. The corresponding menu item is displayed in grey if the user cannot do this action.
  2. Each configuration of a component is identified by a user defined name.

Server tab

The server tab lists all available servers (see Figure 34).

Figure 34. List of all available server configurations
In addition, through the server tab one can create, delete or edit a server configuration. To create a server configuration either right click in the tab area or use the Server menu item.

Figure 35. Server tab popup menu item
Adding a new EDMserver executable

To create a new configuration, click on "Add new edmserver" (see Figure 36).

Figure 36. Add new EDMserver
Give a name to the configuration and make sure that the system is correctly pointing to the EDM version you want to use and press the "OK" button. The default binary files point to the last EDM installation.
Editing EDMserver executables

To edit an existing EDMserver configuration, select the configuration from the list and click on the "Edit edmserver" menu item, this will open the "Edit EDMserver executable", see Figure 37.

Figure 37. "Edit edmserver" configuration
Deleting EDMserver executables

To delete a configuration, select the configuration item and click on the "Delete EDMserver executables" menu item.
Configuration tab

The configuration tab lists all the available runtime settings for the EDMserver and EDMappservers; see Figure 38.

Figure 38. Configuration tab
To manage the EDMserver configuration use the "Configuration" menu item or right click in the "Configuration" tab to either add, edit or delete a server configuration, see Figure 39.

Figure 39. Configuration tab menu

Add new EDMserver configuration

To add a new runtime server configuration, click on the "Add new server configuration", this will open the "New runtime configuration" dialog (see Figure 40).
For a full description of each item within the "New runtime configuration" dialog refer to the EDM help manual. Below you can find a brief description of each item.

Figure 40. New EDMserver configuration

  • Name: Name of the configuration
  • Port: EDMserver port number
    • Make sure that the firewall on your system has the correct inbound and outbound rules for the edmserver.exe and edmappserver.exe applications and their ports.
    • The ports used for EDM depend on the given port number. The edmserver.exe application will use the given port number and the edmappserver.exe will use the subsequent port numbers. E.g., if you enter port number 9090, edmserver.exe will use this port number and the first edmappserver.exe will use port number 9091, the second will use 9092 etc.
  • Application server count: The number of running EDMappservers.
    • We recommend to set the number to be 4 or 5 application servers.
  • App server tmp directory: Temporary folder for all EDMappservers.
  • EDM logon method: Different methods for login into the EDM system.
  • Server client files path: Path for client files on EDMsixServer side.
  • User creation method: How EDMserver will create EDM users.
  • Extended name character set: Additional legal characters that can be used inside an EDMserver database.
  • Backup first start time: Defines day of week and time when the first backup will be done. Blank day of week means "today".
  • Backup interval: Defines backup interval in days, hours and minutes between the start of two backup processes (this interval does not count the time spent on backup).
  • Additional argument: Providing additional EDM configuration statements.
    • The given string will be added to the EDMsixServer command line arguments without any modifications. As an example: "-ae EDM_SERVER_CLIENTS_FILES_PATH_UTF8_ENCODED=path".
  • Appserver additional arguments: Add arguments specifically for the appserver.
    • The given string will be added to the EDMsixAppServer command line arguments without any modifications.

Editing an EDMserver configuration

To edit an existing EDMserver configuration, select the configuration from the list and click on the "Edit EDMserver configuration" menu item, this will open the "Edit EDMserver configuration", see Figure 41.

Figure 41. Edit EDMserver configuration
Deleting an EDMserver configuration

To delete a configuration, select the configuration item and click on the "Delete EDMserver configuration" menu item.
Database tab

The database tab lists all available EDM databases, see Figure 42.

Figure 42. Database configurations
The "Database" menu item or the Database tab context menu allows to create, add, remove (from EDM6ServerConsole) and delete (from disk) databases.

Figure 43. Database menu items

Create new database

The "Database"->"Create new EDM database" menu item opens the "Create new EDM database" window.

Figure 44: Create new database
Select an EDMsixServer executable from the list of available EDMsixServers, and provide the database path, the database name and the database password.

  1. The database name must be unique within the given database path. The system will not allow non unique database names.
  2. The new database will not be added to the list of available EDM databases automatically.

Add existing database

To add an existing database to the list, use the "Add existing EDM database" menu item, which will bring up Figure 45. To add the database to the list provide a name and the location of the database "db.EDM" file. To enable the EDMserver backup check the "Enable backup" check box and enter the backup destination location and the number of backup versions.

Figure 45. Add existing database
Restore EDM database from backup created by EDMserver

Restoring backup package can be done manually by the following steps:

  • Stop solution
  • Delete content of a current database folder (copy to another folder id needed).
  • Extract required (latest in most cases) backup ZIP package to empty database folder
  • Start Solution

Edit database settings

Select the item from the list and click on the "Edit EDM database" menu item.

Figure 46. Edit EDM database
Remove EDM database from list

To remove the EDM database from the database list, select the database and click on the "Remove information about EDM database".
Note: This will only remove the item from the list and will not delete the actual database files from the hard drive.
Delete EDM database from disk

To delete the EDM database files from the hard drive, select the database and click on the "Delete EDM database from disk". This will remove the selected database from the disk.
Note: No warning will be given when the user clicks on the "Delete EDM database from disk".
Solution tab

The solution tab lists available EDMserver licenses for which the user can create an EDM solution based on the items from the other tabs.

Figure 47. List of solutions
Select the configurations that you want from the dropdown lists and press the "Start" button, under the last column, to start the solution. The "auto start" check box identifies if you wish the solution to automatically start when the EDMservice is restarted.
Important: The EDMtruePLM does not use the Tomcat section shown in Figure 47.
If the EDM6ServerConsole cannot connect to the EDMservice, the last column will show a start button that will allow the user to try to reconnect to the EDMservice (see Figure 48).

Figure 48. Disconnected from the EDMservice state
You can also create a new configuration of each item directly from their respective dropdown lists, see Figure 49.

Figure 49. Shortcut in the component dropdown list
To stop a solution, click on the "Stop" button, see Figure 50.

Figure 50. Stopping the solution
The Log Windows

The log windows show the events of the EDMservice and of the EDMserver. Each time a solution is started, a new tab will be created with the name of the solution license, if the tab has not already been created.

Figure 51. Log windows
EDM6ServerConsole log
The "Log" tab displays the EDMservice events logs from all solutions in chronological order. The three columns show the time of the log, the license for the solution and a description of the event.
Solution logs
Each solution will have its own log tab. The tab contains the EDMserver start up command and EDMserver standard output.
Note: It is possible to increase the EDMserver log by providing the "-t" as an additional argument in the runtime configuration.
Cleaning the log tabs
To clean the log tabs right click in the log window and click on the "Clean log" popup button.
Hiding or exiting the EDM6ServerConsole

The EDM6ServerConsole can be hidden to the system tray by clicking on the dialog box close button or by choosing the "Hide" menu item in the "File" menu, see Figure 52.

Figure 52. Minimizing the application
The minimised application is shown in the system tray as an icon. Either double click on the icon or select "Restore" in the tray icon context menu to show the EDM6ServerConsole window, see Figure 53.

Figure 53. Opening the EDM6ServerConsole from the system tray
Changing database password

Follow the steps below to change the superuser and database passwords.

  • EDMserver is running while changing passwords.
  • Superuser password and database password must be same.

Step 1. Launch the EDMSupervisor (edms.exe) (C:\Program Files\Jotne\EDMmodelServer_plcs\edmcore-v602.212.98\bin)

Figure 54. EDM supervisor
Step 2. Go to "Remote Systems"  "Server context"  "Define Context" as shown in Figure 55, below.

Figure 55. EDMsupervisor tab
Fill in the form: enter server context name, user, group, old password, and server details as shown in Figure 56, below.

Figure 56. Define Server context form
Step 3. Go to "Remote Systems" "System Adm."  "Change password" (Figure 57) and provide a strong new password.

Figure 57. System admin password change tab
Step 4. Repeat step 2 with this new superuser password and then Go to "Remote Systems" Database "Change database password" and enter the same password.
Note: The database password must be the same as the superuser password.

Figure 58. Database password change tab
Step 5. Launch EDM6ServerConsole.exe and stop the solution

Figure 59. EDM6ServerConsole
Step 6. Update the new database password in the EDM6ServerConsole as shown in Figure 60 and Figure 61, below.

Figure 60. EDM database password update

Figure 61. Update with new database password
Step 7. Start the "Solution".

How to Install SSL/TLS certificate

Ensure that your internal servers, Intranets, and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are secured.
SSL/TLS certificates are what enable websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS, which is more secure. An SSL/TLS certificate is a data file hosted in a website's origin server (EDMtruePLM server, for instance). SSL certificates make SSL/TLS encryption possible, and they contain the website's public key and the website's identity, along with related information. Devices attempting to communicate with the origin server will reference this file to obtain the public key and verify the server's identity. The private key is kept secret and secure.
Below we describe how to get SSL/TLS certificate issued by an external certificate authority.
Alternatively, you may use your own local certificate authority.
Self-signed SSL certificate is not recommended option.

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

This step can be optional. Certificate authority may generate CSR automatically. Or they may have GUI wizard to simplify CSR creation.
Keytool is utility that can be used to generate CSR. The utility is part of JDK installation.
You can run this utility wherever you have the keytool command available - most likely on your server, but you can also run it on your own computer if you have installed Java locally. Just make sure you keep track of your keystore file after you create your CSR, because you'll need that file because it will contain your private key, and it will be required to install your certificate.
This is the command that should be executed.
Note: there are sample parameters there. Change values according to your need.
keytool -genkey -alias plm -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore trueplm_org.jks -dname "CN=trueplm.org,OU=EPM Tech, O=Jotne, L=Oslo, ST=Norway, C=Oslo" && keytool -certreq -alias plm -file trueplm_org.csr -keystore trueplm_org.jks
trueplm_org.jks and trueplm_org.csr are files that will be created by that commands. We suggest using full path to specify those files.
trueplm.org is sample web server domain name.
You need to use the command prompt to execute the command. CD into your JDK bin folder.
As an example, the utility can be found in the folder like the following.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.5\bin

Figure 62. Keystore details
The Java keytool utility creates both your private key and your certificate signing request, and saves them to two files: trueplm_org.jks, and trueplm_org.csr. Those files are needed to order SSL/TLS certificate. 
Importing the Certificate

We assume trueplm_org.p7b is the certificate file you ordered from a certificate authority. 
You must install the SSL/TLS Certificate file to the same keystore file and under the same alias name (e.g., "plm") that you used to generate your CSR. 
Run the command below to import the certificate into your keystore. 
keytool -import -alias plm -file trueplm_org.p7b -keystore trueplm_org.jks 
You should get a confirmation that the "Certificate reply was installed in keystore". 
Edit the Tomcat Configuration File

The final step is to configure the Connectors in the server.xml file that can be found in the following folder. 
C:\ProgramData\Jotne EPM Technology AS\TruePLM_base\conf\ 
To configure a SSL/TLS connector, you will need to remove the comments and edit the item with port "8443" to look like this. 
<Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" 
            maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true" 
            clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keyAlias="plm"  
            keystoreFile="path/to/trueplm_org.jks" keystorePass="*******" /> 
Where keystoreFile is path to keystore file made in section B.2 and keystorePass is password specified in section B.1. 
Port 8443 can be changed if it is needed. You may use value 443. It is default SSL/TLS port.
Configure EDMtruePLM web application

Web application can be configured by the system administrator via the following configuration file.
Note, any changes in the configuration file require web application to be restarted (restart Tomcat) to apply changes.
A user session is automatically closed after a certain time, if the system is idle without any activity. This period is default set to be 15 minutes.
But the value can be increased up to 720 minutes.

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