


SdaiAggr edmiCreateSubtypeAggr(SdaiModel   modelId,
                                SdaiEntity  entityId); 

Creates a subtype aggregate, i.e. a volatile aggregate instance that contains all instances of the specified type and all instances that is a subtype of the specified type in one data model. A numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies the new created subtype aggregate instance in the EDMdatabase will be the returned function value. This aggregateID should be used to identify this particular subtype aggregate instance in subsequent EDMinterface operations. The resulting subtype aggregate instance will not be persistent in the EDMdatabase, it will exist until it is deleted by the sdaiDeleteAggr operation or until the open EDMserver session is closed by the function sdaiCloseSession or the current open database is closed. The resulting subtype aggregate can only be accessed by read operations. It is not permitted to change the contents of a subtype aggregate. All read (get) operations available for SET and BAG aggregate types are available for accessing subtype aggregates. This operation is only applicable to data models. The actual data model must be open before this operation can be successfully performed.
Note: The creation and deletion of instance types held by a subtype aggregate will influence the contents of the related subtype aggregates, hence it is recommended to delete and re-create the related subtype aggregate after such operations.




A numeric modelID that uniquely identifies the data model of interest in the EDMdatabase.
The modelID is returned from the functions: sdaiCreateModel , sdaiCreateModelBN , sdaiOpenModelBN , edmiGetModel , edmiGetModelBN , sdaiGetInstanceModel



A numeric entityID that uniquely identifies an entity definition instance in a dictionary model in the EDMdatabase. This entity definition must be defined in the underlying schema of the actual model specified by the model argument.
All instances of the type defined by this entity definition instance and all instances that is a subtype of this particular instance type, located in the same data model, will be the contents of the resulting subtype aggregate.  The entityID is returned by the sdaiGetEntity function.

Return Value









SdaiAggr subtypeAggr;
 SdaiModel modelId;
 SdaiEntity personId;
 subtypeAggr = edmiCreateSubtypeAggr (modelId, personId);
 if (! subtypeAggr) {
 /* Error in operation */ 
 printf("\nError in edmiCreateSubtypeAggr: %s\n", 
 goto error; 
 . . .


See also

Filter by label

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