


SdaiOnOff edmiTypeChecking(SdaiOnOff OnOff);

Turns on or off the EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility. When this facility is enabled all EDMinterface put (write) operation will be checked for legal data value and legal data type to ensure that only correct data will be written to the EDMdatabase. A minor performance penalty can be expected when this facility is enabled. All EDMinterface put (write) operations will always check for correct primitive type to be written, but with the EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility enabled also typed value will be checked, check for correct instance types will be checked etc. The EDMmodelChecker must be used to make a complete check of the data in a data model in the EDMdatabase.




The two following values can be specified:

  • sdaiON: The EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility is enabled.
  • sdaiOFF: The EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility is disabled.

Return Value

 SdaiOnOff Returns the current status of this facility at the invocation of the operation. The returned value is of type SdaiOnOff and can have the following two values:
  • sdaiON: The EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility was enabled at the invocation of the function.
  • sdaiOFF: The EDMinterface data type and data value checking facility was disabled at the invocation of the function.





 SdaiOnOff checkingState;
 . . .
 checkingState = edmiTypeChecking (sdaiON);
 . . .
 /* Reset EDMinterface checking state to original state */
 . . .


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