

Enables or disables the _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking in all EDMinterface write operations. When the _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking is enabled, all write (put) operations will fail when an illegal data type or an illegal data value is specified in an operation that assigns a value to an attribute in an instance or to an aggregate element. The legal data type and data value is defined in the related EXPRESS schema that defines the actual attribute domain or the actual aggregate domain.
All EDMinterface write operations will always check for legal primitive data type , hence it is impossible to assign a value of wrong primitive type to an attribute in an instance or to an aggregate element.
The effect of this operation is local to the calling application and it lasts until the next invocation of this function.
The status of the _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking before the operation will be returned by this operation.
#include "sdai.h"
SdaiOnOff sdaiTypeChecking(SdaiOnOff OnOff);


sdaiON : Enable _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking.
sdaiOFF : Disable _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking.

A SdaiOnOff value that has the following value:
sdaiON : The _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking was enabled before operation.
sdaiOFF: The _EDMinterface_ data type and data value checking was disabled before operation.
SdaiOnOff checkingState;
SdaiErrorCode errCode;
checkingState = sdaiTypeChecking(sdaiON); /* enable checking */
. . .
sdaiTypeChecking(checkingState); /* Reset to original state */
. . .

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