Determines whether an instance is an instance of exactly the specified instance type. This operation returns sdaiTRUE if the specified instance is of exactly the specified instance type, else sdaiFALSE is returned.
The model that holds the actual instance must be open before this operation can be successfully performed.
Related functions: sdaiIsInstanceOfBN , sdaiIsKindOf , sdaiIsKindOfBN , sdaiGetInstanceType
#include "sdai.h"
SdaiBoolean sdaiIsInstanceOf(SdaiInstance instance,
SdaiEntity entity);
instance |
A numeric instanceID that uniquely identifies the instance of interest in the EDMdatabase. |
entity |
A numeric entityID that uniquely identifies an entity definition instance in EDMdatabase. This entity definition instance identifies the actual instance type. |
sdaiTRUE : The actual instance is an instance of the specified instance type.
sdaiFALSE : The actual instance is not an instance of the specified instance type. Use sdaiErrorQuery to check for error during operation.
SdaiEntity manId;
SdaiAppInstance anInst;
if(sdaiIsInstanceOf(anInst, manId) == sdaiTRUE) {
. . .
. . .