

Deletes a model in the EDMdatabase. The actual model must be closed.
A dictionary model cannot be deleted as long as there exists data models in the EDMdatabase that have the EXPRESS schema defined by the actual dictionary model as the underlying schema. All such data models must be deleted before the actual dictionary model can be deleted.
A dictionary model cannot be deleted as long as there exists Express-X dictionary models in the EDMdatabase that uses the actual dictionary model as the source model or the target model. All such Express-X dictionary models must be deleted before the actual dictionary model can be deleted.
When the actual model to delete has a connected STEP Identifier model, this connected STEP Identifier model will be deleted as well by this operation.
Only the owner of a model can delete it.
Related functions: edmiDeleteModelBN, edmiDeleteOpenModel , sdaiCreateModel , sdaiCreateModelBN , edmiCreateModel , edmiCreateModelBN
#include "sdai.h"
void sdaiDeleteModel(SdaiModel model);


A numeric modelID that uniquely identifies the model in the EDMdatabase to delete.
The modelID is returned from the functions: sdaiCreateModel , sdaiCreateModelBN , sdaiOpenModelBN , edmiGetModel , edmiGetModelBN , sdaiGetInstanceModel

Void – use sdaiErrorQuery to check for error during operation.
SdaiRepository repository;
SdaiSchema schema;
SdaiModel modelId;
SdaiErrorCode errCode;
modelId = sdaiCreateModelBN (repository, "Building_AXD67H", "IFC151");
. . .
errCode = sdaiErrorQuery();
if (errCode) {
/* Error in operation */ 
printf("\nError: %s in sdaiDeleteModel \n", 
goto error; 
. . .