

Determines whether an instance is an instance of the specified instance type or a subtype of this instance type. This operation returns sdaiTRUE if the specified instance is of the specified instance type or a subtype of this instance type, else sdaiFALSE is returned.
The model that holds the actual instance must be open before this operation can be successfully performed.
Related functions: sdaiIsInstanceOf , sdaiIsInstanceOfBN , sdaiIsKindOf , sdaiGetInstanceType
#include "sdai.h"
SdaiBoolean sdaiIsKindOfBN(SdaiInstance instance,
                            SdaiString   entityName); 


A numeric instanceID that uniquely identifies the instance of interest in the EDMdatabase.
The instanceID is defined by a sdaiCreateInstance or a sdaiCreateInstanceBN function.


The entity name that in combination with the <instance> argument, uniquely identifies an entity definition instance in the EDMdatabase. This entity definition instance identifies the actual instance type. Entity names are case insensitive. An entity name is unique within one model.

sdaiTRUE : The actual instance is an instance of the specified instance type or a subtype of this instance type.
sdaiFALSE : The actual instance is not an instance of the specified instance type and not a subtype of this instance type. Use sdaiErrorQuery to check for error during operation.
SdaiAppInstance anInst;
if(sdaiIsKindOfBN (anInst, "Cartesian_Point") == sdaiTRUE) {
. . . 
. . .

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