


EdmiError edmiRemoteCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBNEx(SdaiServerContext serverContextId, 
                                                    SdaiString        remoteRepositoryName, 
                                                    SdaiString        remoteModelName, 
                                                    SdaiString        entityName, 
                                                    SdaiInteger       attributes, 
                                                    SdaiString        attributeNames[], 
                                                    SdaiSelect        attributeValues[], 
                                                    SdaiOptions       options, 
                                                    SdaiAppInstance   *newInstanceId, 
                                                    SdaiInvocationId  *edmiInvocationId); 

This operation creates an entity instance in an edmModel in a remote EDMdatabase and in the same operation, optionally puts values into any number of its attributes. This function implements the same functionality as edmiRemoteCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN, but uses buffers in stead of a variable argument list to transfer attribute values. This operation is only applicable on data models.


2 SdaiServerContext


Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext

3 SdaiString


The name of the edmRepository in the remote EDMdatabase that contains the edmModel in which to create an instance. Repository names are case sensitive.

4 SdaiString


The name of the edmModel in which to create an instance. Model names are case sensitive.

5 SdaiString


Name of the entity that defines the instance type to create. Entity names are case insensitive. The entity must be defined in the underlying schema of the edmModel specified by the <remoteModelName> argument.

6 SdaiInteger


An integer number that specifies the number of attribute values to put in the operation.

7 SdaiString


A string pointer buffer containing the all the attribute names to assign values to.

8 SdaiSelect


A buffer of pointers to tSdaiSelect structures. Each structure defines the type and value to be assigned to the attribute with the name given by the element of <attributeNames> with the same buffer position.

9 SdaiOptions


Currently not used.

10 SdaiAppInstance


A variable that will receive a numeric instanceID that uniquely identifies the created instance in the remote EDMdatabase.

11 SdaiInvocationId


Currently not used.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.




Option nameComment




 EdmiError rstat;
 SdaiServerContext myContext;
 SdaiInstance instId;
 SdaiString name = "Lucy Scmidt";
 SdaiString attrNames[4] = {"NAME", "AGE", "WEIGHT", "MARRIED"};
 tSdaiSelect sel[4], *ps;
 SdaiSelect attrVals[4] = {&sel[0], &sel[1], &sel[2], &sel[3]};
 /* Create Server Context */
 rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyContext",
 "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", 
 "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", 
 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); 
 /* The NAME attribute */
 ps = attrVals[0];
 ps->nTypes = 0;
 ps->typeList = NULL;
 ps->type = sdaiSTRING;
 ps->value.stringVal = name;
 /* The AGE attribute */
 ps->nTypes = 0;
 ps->typeList = NULL;
 ps->type = sdaiINTEGER;
 ps->value.intVal = 32;
 /* The WEIGHT attribute */
 ps->nTypes = 0;
 ps->typeList = NULL;
 ps->type = sdaiREAL;
 ps->value.realVal = 59.5;
 /* The MARRIED attribute */
 ps->nTypes = 0;
 ps->typeList = NULL;
 ps->type = sdaiBOOLEAN;
 ps->value.boolVal = sdaiFALSE;
 /* Add person to the population */
 rstat = edmiRemoteCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBNEx(myContext,
 "DataRepository", "MySocialNetwork",  
 "PERSON", 4, attrNames, attrVals, 
 0, &instId, NULL); 
 . . .


See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.