Statements declaration

Statements declaration

statements_decl = STATEMENTS [ statements_id ] '; '  [ algorithm_head ] stmt { stmt } END_STATEMENTS ';' .
statements_id = simple_id .
algorithm_head = { declaration } [ local_decl ] .
declaraton = constant_decl | function_decl | procedure_decl
The Statements Declarations defines a sequence of statements that is executed independently of any MAP or COMPOSE declarations. The statements declaration begins with the keyword STATEMENTS optionally followed by a name of the statements declaration, followed by the character semicolon, optionally followed by an algorithm head defining local variables. All EDMexpressX statements can be applied within a statements declaration. The keyword END_STATEMENTS terminates a STATEMENTS declaration.
The scope of a statements name is the EDMexpressX mapping schema in which the statements declaration occurs, i.e. the global scope of an EDMexpressX mapping schema.
  fileId    : GENERIC;
  errorCode   : INTEGER;
  errText   : STRING;
  errCode := xpxOpenFile(?/usr/data/result.txt?,?w?,fileId);
  IF (errCode = 0) THEN
   xpxPrintf(?\nError "%s" in OpenFile?,errText);

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