Make HTML Format

Make HTML Format

Produce a HTML representation of the specified Express schema(ta). The result HTML representation will be stored in one or more specified files. Optionally the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser can be invoked to browse the schema(ta) immediately.
This command has many options to make a pretty HTML representation.
It is important to keep the HTML files relatively small in size to get good performance in the browsing; hence there are several options to store the HTML representation in several files.

File name:

Specify the name of the file(s) containing Express Schema(ta) to be presented in HTML format. If more than one file is specified, delimit each file name with a comma. The wild card symbol "*" is also a permitted character in a filename. The default file extension is ".exp".
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select the desired files.

HTML File:

Specify the name of a file that will be the main file that holds the HTML representation of the specified Express schema(ta). This file name should be specified when opening this HTML representation from an Internet Browser.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.

Diagnostic file:

Specify the file name for diagnostic information generated by this command. If no file name is supplied, all diagnostic information will be presented in the EDMsupervisor output window.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

bold keywords:

Specifies that Express reserved words will be displayed in bold fonts.

bold global symbols:

Specifies that global symbols in the actual Express schema(ta) will be displayed in bold fonts. Global symbols are the names of schemata, entities, defined types, constants, global rules, functions, and procedures. When the [enumerations as global symbols] option is set, then all enumeration elements will be handled as global symbols.

make heading:

Specifies that a heading, i.e., a kind of table of contents will be produced in different levels to enhance the browsing.

make lower and upper case symbols:

Specifies that all global Express symbols will be written in the following way. The first character and the first character after an under score in a global symbol name will be in upper case, the rest will be in lower case. This will enable "pretty print" of the HTML representation.

enumerations as global symbols:

Specifies that all enumeration elements should be handled as global symbols.

links in comments:

Add hypertext link in appropriate words in an Express comment.

html frames:

Specifies that the HTML representation will be displayed in several frames.

one html file per schema:

Specifies that there will be one HTML file for each Express schema. The options [one html file per schema] and [one html file per input file] are mutually exclusive.

one html file per input file:

Specifies that there will be one HTML file for each file specifies in the <File name> argument. The options [one html file per schema] and [one html file per input file] are mutually exclusive.

short html file names:

Specifies that the name of the files that constitutes the HTML representation should be as short as possible to reduce the number of bytes in the hyperlinks, thus reduce the size of the HTML representation. This option does not affect the <HTML File> argument.

show html:

Specifies that the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser should be invoked to immediately start browsing the produced HTML representation of the specified Express schema(ta).

EXPRESSedition 2:

Supports edition 2 of the Express language.