Make Long Form

Make Long Form

Makes one or more long form schema(ta) from two or more short form schemata. The short form schemata may be collected from separate files. The result of this command will be a new source Express file containing the specified long form schema(ta). This command will not affect anything in the EDMdatabase.
The EDMexpressCompiler performs normal compilation checking, i.e. syntax checking, check for unresolved references etc., hence a diagnostic report can be produced by this operation.

File name:

Specify the name of the file(s) containing EXPRESS short form schema(ta). If more than one file is specified, delimit each file name with a comma. The wild card symbol "*" is also a permitted character in a filename. The default file extension is ".exp".
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select the desired files.

Diagnostic file:

Specify the name of a file to contain diagnostic information generated by this command. The diagnostic report produced by this command will be displayed in the EDMsupervisor output window when this argument is blank.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.

Long Form Schemas:

Specify the name of one or more Express schema(ta) that will be the resulting long form schema(ta). When more than one schema name is specified, then each schema name should be delimited by a comma. Schema names are case insensitive.
The specified schema(ta) must be found in the file(s) specified in the <File name> argument.

Long Form File:

Specify the name of a file that will contain the new Express source of the specified long form schema(ta).
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

tag long form:

Specify that for each interfaced item an Express comment will be placed before the actual item to describe the reason for the interfacing, the originating schema etc.

replace schema names:

Specifies that all string literals that defines the schema name of the actual short form schema will be replaced with the appropriate long form schema name in the resulting long form schema to avoid error messages when compiling the resulting long from schema.

replace schema names report:

Specifies that a report of the substituted string literals will be issued as a part of the diagnostic report from this command. This report should be checked to see that all substitutions are correct. If errors are found, this errors in the long form schema(ta) should be corrected with a text editor.

diagnostics for root only:

By implicit long form generation: Only show diagnostics for the main schema.

diagnostics for interfaced only:

By implicit long form generation: Skip diagnostics for scemata that are not interfaced.

extensive diagnostics:

Willl provide more extensive diagnostics.

no diagnostics:

Specify that no diagnostics should be produced by this command, that means that all necessary checking is performed when the resulting long form schema(ta) are compiled.

interfaced schemas report:

Specifies that a list of the interfaced schemata for each long form schema will be written as part of the diagnostic report form this command.

html error listing:

Specifies that compilation errors will be presented in HTML format by the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser.

EXPRESSedition 2:

Supports edition 2 of the Express language.

ignore empty select:

Specifies that no error message should be produced when the compiler detects that a SELECT definition with an empty selection list is interfaced from one schema to another.
Express constructions with expressions that refer to the empty select cannot be properly checked when this option is set. This option should never be set when compiling schemata that will be used as the underlying schema for a data model.


Parse schema in accordance to Technical Corrigendum no.2

edm express extension:

The compiler will accept EDM extensions to Express. Currently there is only one, namely xpxPrintf function. (see EDMassistVol6).

Edition 1 longform:

Present the genrated long form according to ISO 10303 part 11:1993 standard.

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