Start remote backup

Start remote backup

Backup of EDM databases handled by a server (communication type HTTP or TCP in the server context), is executed by a backup thread in the server. By this command, the task of the backup thread is defined. It has the following main characteristics:

  • A directory where the backup files are stored.
  • A name.
  • An initial startup time when the first backup is done.
  • The backup task is repeated with a specified time interval until the command Stop backup is executed.
  • Number of backup versions

When a backup task is executed, the entire database is locked for update.
Backup of standalone databases is not handled in a cyclic manner by a backup thread. This implies that parameters number of backups, startup time and backup interval time has no meaning and must be left blank.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context. This is a protected function. Therefore the user specified in the server context, must be an administrator.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Backup directory path:

Specify the path to the root of the directory where the backup file are stored. The <Backup directory path> must be specified as an absolute path. When the first backup is executed, the backup thread creates a subdirectory in this directory. The subdirectory will have a name with the following structure:EDMbackup_<database name>_<backup name>. For example if the database name is "ifc" and the backup name is "bakifc", the subdirectory name will be: "EDMbackup_ifc_bakifc". Within this directory, a subdirectory for each backup version is created with the name "v1" for the first directory, "v2" for the second and so on.
The <Backup directory path> argument can be specified with and without the directory delimiter character as the last character in the directory path. The directory delimiter character is '\' on the Windows platforms and '/' on the Unix platforms.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired directory.

Backup name:

Specify the name of the backup task.

Password of database to delete:

If you select the option [delete existing backup], the password of the database in the backup directories to be deleted is specified here. If you select the option [continue with next version], the password of the backup is specified here.

Number of backup versions:

Specify the number of backup versions. If, for example, 6 backup versions are specified and the sixth backup is taken, there will exist 6 different backups of the database, and the next backup will overwrite the first backup.

Backup start time:

The time when the first backup is executed. The format of the time must be given according to one of the options [yyyy.mm.dd.hh.mm], [dd.mm.yyyy.hh.mm] or [mm.dd.yyyy.hh.mm]

Backup interval time:

The time interval between each backup execution is specified as follows: <number day+night><delimiter><number of hours><delimiter><number of minutes>, where <delimiter> must be either ",", "-", ".", ":".
If only one delimiter is specified, the time is interpreted as <hours><delimiter><minutes> and if no delimiter is specified, the time is interpreted as minutes.
Some examples:

  • Once a week – 7.0.0
  • Every day – 24.0
  • Every day – 1.0.0
  • Every hour – 1.0
  • Every hour – 60


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.


Date and time format used, year, month, day, hour, minute.


Date and time format used, day, month, year, hour, minute.


Date and time format used, month, day, year, hour, minute.

terminate active backup:

This option must be selected if backup already is started. Then the running backup is replaced by this one.

delete existing backup:

If this option is selected, and a directory with the same backup name as specified in this command, the entire backup directory is deleted when this command is executed. Observe that if this is the only backup directory, selecting this option implies that no backup exist until the first backup is executed.

continue with next version:

If one backup thread is interrupted either by the Stop backup command, or the server is stopped. Use this option if the first backup version is the one after the last backup version of the previous backup thread.

compress backup:

The backup files are compressed if this option is selected.