Open remote repository

Open remote repository

This command opens a remote repository for subsequent access. If the communication type is LOCAL_CONTEXT or LOCAL_DB, a repository within a locally connected database is opened. If the communication type is TCP or HTTP, a repository in a database managed by a EDMserver is opened. In the latter case the repository is opened for either:

  • The random application server that executes this command
  • The application server specified by the parameter <Appserver clientid>.
  • All the servers in the server room. Then the superuser password must be supplied in <Superuser password> parameter.

Both the Dictionary Repository and the default Data Repository are opened implicitly when an EDMserver session is opened.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote repository:

Specify the name of the remote repository holding the model of interest. Repository names are case sensitive.
When activating the Select button, only open repositories are displayed in the related selection list.

Access mode:

sdaiRO: Open the model for read only access.
sdaiRW: Open the model for read and write access.
When activating the Select button, the two legal alternatives sdaiRO and sdaiRW will be displayed.

Superuser password:

Specify the superuser password. The password must be specified if the option [all servers] is selected.

Appserver clientId:

Client id of the application server that shall open the repository. Client id of an application server can be obtained by the command Remote Systems>Aux>Who is on.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

match selected input:

A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items.
This option has no effect on file name arguments.

all servers:

Open the repository from all the EDMapplicationServer processes in the EDMserverRoom.