Open remote repository
This command opens a remote repository for subsequent access. If the communication type is LOCAL_CONTEXT or LOCAL_DB, a repository within a locally connected database is opened. If the communication type is TCP or HTTP, a repository in a database managed by a EDMserver is opened. In the latter case the repository is opened for either:
- The random application server that executes this command
- The application server specified by the parameter <Appserver clientid>.
- All the servers in the server room. Then the superuser password must be supplied in <Superuser password> parameter.
Both the Dictionary Repository and the default Data Repository are opened implicitly when an EDMserver session is opened.
Server context name: |
Specify name of server context. |
Remote repository: |
Specify the name of the remote repository holding the model of interest. Repository names are case sensitive. |
Access mode: |
sdaiRO: Open the model for read only access. |
Superuser password: |
Specify the superuser password. The password must be specified if the option [all servers] is selected. |
Appserver clientId: |
Client id of the application server that shall open the repository. Client id of an application server can be obtained by the command Remote Systems>Aux>Who is on. |
accumulating command output: |
A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed. |
match selected input: |
A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items. |
all servers: |
Open the repository from all the EDMapplicationServer processes in the EDMserverRoom. |