Define Server Contexts from File

Define Server Contexts from File

Defines server contexts that are initially defined in an earlier EDMsupervisor session and saved to file by the command Remote Systems>Server context>Write Contexts To File.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context. If the name is left empty, all the server contexts in the file is defined.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Server context file:

The name and full path to the server context file on the local file system.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

exact match:

Do only load and define the server context with exactly the same name given by the parameter <serverContextName>

partial match:

Load and define all server contexts with names that matches the name pattern given in parameter <serverContextName>. Use the asterisk character (star) as wildchard character.

delete existiing:

If a server context with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten by the new one.