Define Server Context

Define Server Context

Defines a new server context. A server context is the basic data structure used when communicate with an EDMserver by the Remote Systems commands. A server context is always the first parameter in a standard Remote Systems commands. It defines the address of the EDMserver and how to communicate with it. When using the Remote Systems commands, one is not logged on the server. Therefore user name, group name and password is also a part of a server context.
Most of the commands in the remote interface are executed by a application server named AppServer or EDMapplicationServer. A server room may have several application servers. Which of these application servers the supervisor have to communicate with is decided by the main server. One application server serves many clients one by one. If an application server is executing a heavy task that takes long time to finish, the other clients served by this application server has to wait. It is possible to deal with this problem by setting the arguments <Fixed AppServer port number> or <changing AppServer frequency>.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context. Server context names must start with a character followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters and underscore.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.


The name of the edmUser to connect to the EDMserver. The edmUser name is case insensitive and mandatory.


The name of the edmGroup to connect to the EDMserver. The edmGroup name is case insensitive and optional.


The password of the edmUser specified by <userName>. The password parameter is mandatory.

Communication type:

The nature of the communication with an EDMserver. Valid communication types are;
HTTP: Stateless transaction oriented communication with a remote EDMserver by the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
TCP: Stateless transaction oriented communication with a remote EDMserver by the Transfer Communication Protocol.“
LOCAL_DB: Stateful transaction oriented communication with a locally connected EDMserver. The communication type will be as specified for the locally connected EDMserver.
LOCAL_CONTEXT: Stateful non-transaction oriented communication with a locally connected EDMserver. The communication type will be as specified for the locally connected EDMserver.

EDMserver host name:

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the EDMserver to communicate with. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”.

EDMserver port number:

The service port number used for remote communication with an EDMserver. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”.

EDMIhttp Tunnel name:

The name and full path of the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Valid only for <communicationType> "HTTP".

EDMIhttp Tunnel host name:

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Valid only for <communicationType> "HTTP".

EDMIhttp Tunnel port number:

The tunnel service port number used by the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Used by the HTTP tunnel for controling remote communication between an EDMserver and a thin EDMclient. Valid only for <communicationType> “HTTP”.

Proxy server name.

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the proxy service. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”

Proxy server port number:

The service port number used for communication by the proxy server. Valid for <communicationType> "TCP" and "HTTP".

Fixed AppServer port number:

If this parameter is specified this server context is locked to the application server with this port number. To decide which port number to use, execute the command Aux>Who Is On. There you will get a list of all clients logged on the server. The application servers in question has Client name like this: EDMapplicationServer-<process id>-<port number> Main Client. Use the <port number> of the preferred application server.

Changing AppServer frequency:

To have the load distributed on different application servers, use this argument which is the number of calls to one application server before changing to another application server.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

use current login accounts:

If you are logged on a local database, the user name, group name and password is used in the server context. If you are no logged on, sdai-user, sdai-group and sdaistep used as user name, group name and password respectively.

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