Define EDMserver  host and Communication

Define EDMserver  host and Communication

Defines how to communicate with an EDMserver.
How to communicate with an EDMserver may also be defined by the following environment variables:

  • EDM_HOST – name or ip-address of the machine hosting the EDMserver.
  • EDM_SERVICE_PORT – port number for the communication with the EDMserver.

When using this command the communication definition in the above mentioned environment variables are overridden.
This command will implicitly perform the Connection>CloseSession and Connection>Disconnect commands.

Communication type:

Specify type of communication.
When activating the Select button, the legal types are displayed in a selection list. These are HTTP and TCP.

EDMserver host name:

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the EDMserver to communicate with

EDMserver port number:

The service port number used for remote communication with an EDMserver.

EDMhttp Tunnel name:

The name and full path of the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Valid only for <communicationType> HTTP.

EDMhttp Tunnel host name:

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Valid only for <communicationType> "HTTP".

EDMhttp Tunnel port number:

The tunnel service port number used by the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel Servlet. Used by the HTTP tunnel for controling remote communication between an EDMserver and a thin EDMclient. Valid only for <communicationType> “HTTP”.

Proxy server name:

The name or IP-address of the machine hosting the proxy service.

Proxy server port number:

The service port number used for communication by the proxy server.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

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