Change remote password

Change remote password

Changes the password of an EDMuser identified by its user name. Only the superuser may use this function to change the password of other users.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote user:

Specify the EDMuser in the remote EDMdatabase. The EDMuser name can consist of letters, digits and hyphens. The first character must be a letter. Maximum EDMuser name length is 32 characters. EDMuser names are case insensitive.


Specify the password the remote calling user wants to have. A password can consist of any combination of characters. A remote EDMuser is created with an empty password.

Retype password:

Retype the password specified in <Password>. Because there is no echo on the <Password>, the <Retype password> argument is used to check that the user remember his <Password>. If <Password> is different from <Retype password>, then an error message is printed, and no new password is defined for the calling user.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

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