Project list
The project list shows all the projects within the EDMtruePLM server (see Figure 119, below).
Figure 119. Project list
Add project
Use the plus icon (see "1" in Figure 119) to create a project. The system administrator may create the following three types of projects (as shown in Figure 120):
Type 1. Project
Type 2. Project template
Type 3. Breakdown template
Figure 120. Create project
Select a project template from the template list (see above Figure 120) to create the project from a template.
Warning: A project name must be unique and may contain Latin letters, underscore symbols and numbers. No spaces or special characters are allowed.
After project creation the empty project will become selectable by the assigned users. They may now use the context menus described in chapter 3.7 to add data.
Deactivate project
Deactivating a project will remove the project from the available project list. For archival reasons, the project will remain in the database. Ordinary users cannot access a deactivated project. To deactivate a project, use the bin icon,
Figure 121. Deactivate project
Reactivate project
To reactivate a deactivated project use the clock icon,
Figure 122. Activate project
Delete project
To delete a project from the system, use the bin icon with the 'x' within it,
Figure 123. Delete project