EdmiError edmiDefineSchemaMap(SdaiString sourceFile, SdaiString diagnosticFile, SdaiInteger options, SdaiInteger *warnings, SdaiInteger *errors);
Invokes the EDMexpressXCompiler to compile one or more files, each containing one or more Express-X schemata. For each input schema an Express-X syntax check, an Express-X schema consistency check including a check against source and target Express schema, and an Express-X dictionary model creation is available. This is specified through the options argument. Normally an Express-X schema defines a mapping (conversion) of a data model defined by one Express schema (source schema), to a new data model defined by another Express schema (target schema). A legal special case is when the source and target schema is the same Express schema. All Express schemata referred to by the actual Express-X schema must exist as dictionary models in the EDMdatabase when this function is executed.An Express-X dictionary model is an instance of an Express schema of the Express-X language. The name of an Express-X dictionary model is the name of the Express-X schema in upper case with the extension _XPX_MAP. The name of an Express-X schema must be unique within one EDMdatabase. Express-X dictionary models are located in the dictionary repository. An Express-X dictionary model is part of the input data to the EDMmodelConverterTM. An Express-X dictionary model can only be opened for read only access. This operation is exactly the same operation as the edmiCompileEXPRESS_X function.
Return Value
daiInteger errors, warnings; EdmiError rstat; ... if (rstat = edmiDefineSchemaMap("/tmp/expx_mapp_example.xpx", "/tmp/expx.diag", DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS, &warnings, &errors)) { /* Error in operation */ printf("\nError in edmiDefineSchemaMap: %s\n", edmiGetErrorText(rstat)); goto error; } printf("\nNumber of warnings: %ld", warnings); printf("\nNumber of errors: %ld", errors); . . .
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