EdmiError edmiRemoteDefineSchema(SdaiServerContext serverContextId, SdaiInteger schemaType, SdaiString schemaFileName, SdaiString diagnosticFile, SdaiString schemasToStore, SdaiUnsignedInt options, SdaiInteger *nWarnings, SdaiInteger *nErrors, SdaiInvocationId *edmiInvocationId);
Invokes the EDMexpressCompiler to compile a file containing one or more Schemata of a specified type. The following actions may be specified for the schema in the file.
- Syntax check.
- Schema consistency.
- Creation or modification of dictionary models.
The following schema types are supported by this function;
- Express Schemata (ISO10303-11).
- Express-X Schemata (ISO10303-14)
- Express Rule Schemata (Express Schemata extension).
- Express Query Schemata (Express Schemata extension).
- Extension Schemata
For Express schemata, the ISO 10303 Part 22 defines the standard for naming the dictionary models. The name of a dictionary model is equal to the name of the Express Schema, concatenated with "_DICTIONARY_DATA". A dictionary model name is in uppercase and case sensitive.
Dictionary models are by default write protected. Hence, they may not be opened by users for ordinary write access. Existing dictionary models may be removed from the database by the edmiRemoteDeleteSchema or the edmiRemoteDeleteModel functions. A precondition is that there exist no data models or associated Express-X dictionary models. Normally only Express schemata that are compiled without errors may be stored as dictionary models in the EDMdatabase. This default behaviour may be overruled by enabling the CONTINUE_STORING_ON_ERROR option.
Use the option CONTINUE_STORING_ON_ERROR with care! Populating erroneous dictionary models may cause unpredictable exceptions, including system crash!
1 | Type | Name | Comment |
2 | SdaiServerContext | serverContextId | Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext |
3 | SdaiInteger | schemaType | The type of schemata to compile. Supported schema types are EXPRESS_SCHEMA_TYPE, RULE_SCHEMA_TYPE, QUERY_SCHEMA_TYPE, EXPRESS_X_SCHEMA_TYPE and EXTENSION_SCHEMA_TYPE. |
4 | SdaiString | schemaFileName | The name of the file on the local file system that contains the schemata to compile. |
5 | SdaiString | diagnosticFile | The name of the file that will receive the compilation diagnostic information. If this argument is NULL or an empty string, the diagnostic information will be written to the EDMinterface current output device. |
6 | SdaiString | schemasToStore | A comma separated list of schema names to be compiled. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, all schemata in the file <schemaFileName> will be compiled. |
7 | SdaiUnsignedInt | options | See description of available options below. Options may be joined by using the bitwise OR operator. Default behaviour is that no subtypes be included in the returned entity extent. |
8 | SdaiInteger | nWarnings | A variable that will receive the number of warnings found by the EDMexpressCompiler |
9 | SdaiInteger | nErrors | A variable that will receive the number of errors found by the EDMexpressCompiler |
10 | SdaiInvocationId | edmiInvocationId | Currently not used. |
Return Value
1 | Option | Comment |
2 | EDM_EXPRESS_EXTENSION | The compiler will accept EDM extensions to Express, currently there is one, namely xpxPrintf |
3 | NO_EXPRESSION_CHECKED | Schema(ta) expressions will not be parsed and checked for syntactic correctness. This option implicitly sets the option NO_EXPRESSION_STORED as an unchecked expression cannot be stored in a dictionary model. Expressions may be found in the following Express constructs:
Setting this option also sets the
options. |
4 | NO_EXPRESSION_STORED | None of the expressions described above will be stored in the resulting dictionary model(s). |
5 | TC2 | Parse the schema in accordance with TC no.2 |
6 | ERRORS_ONLY | Warnings will be suppressed. |
7 | EXPRESS_EDITION_2 | Supports edition 2 of the Express language. |
8 | HTML_ERROR_LISTING | Compilation diagnostics will be written in HTML on files in the local file system directory defined by the system variable EDMS_TMP_DIR. The diagnostic report is ready to be displayed by an Internet browser. There are three or four HTML diagnostic files with the following names: |
9 | EXTENSIVE_DIAGNOSTICS | Sets the highest available diagnostics report level. |
10 | DIAGNOSTICS_FOR_INTERFACED_ONLY | Diagnostics information will only be generated for interfaced schemata. |
11 | SDAI_WARNINGS | Activates EDMinterface/SDAI warnings relevant for the usage of EDMinterface functions on an instantiated data model of the actual schema. |
12 | IGNORE_EMPTY_SELECT | No error message will be produced when the compiler detects that a SELECT definition, with an empty selection list, is interfaced from one schema to another. |
13 | LOG_SCHEMA_INTERFACE | A log record will be written to the diagnostic report for each Express construct that is interfaced from one schema to another. This log record contains information such as the name of the interfaced construct, if it is explicit or implicit interfaced etc. |
14 | DIAGNOSTICS_FOR_ROOT_ONLY | Diagnostics information will not be generated for interfaced schemata. |
15 | STORING_SOURCE | The Express schema(ta) in its original form will be stored in the EDMdatabase. This Express source can later be retrieved and displayed by the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>ShowSchemata. |
16 | DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS | The existing dictionary model(s) with the same name as the resulting dictionary model(s) from this compilation will be replaced by the new dictionary model(s) as long as there are no data models associated with the existing dictionary model(s). Dictionary models may not be deleted before all the associated data models or associated Express-X dictionary models are deleted. |
17 | PARSE_ONLY | Specifies that the Express schema(ta) will be checked for syntax errors only. No dictionary models will be created when this option is enabled. |
18 | NO_DICTIONARY_MODEL | Specifies that no dictionary models will be created by the current invocation of the edmiRemoteDefineSchema operation. |
19 | CONTINUE_STORING_ON_ERROR | Enforces the EDMexpressCompiler to create and populate a dictionary model of erroneous schema(ta). Only schema(ta) compiled without any errors can be stored as a dictionary model(s) in the EDMdatabase when this option is unset. |
20 | MakeExpressXlongForm | Create an EXPRESSX lang form |
EdmiError rstat; SdaiInteger nWrn, nErr; SdaiServerContext myContext; SdaiSchema schemaId; /* Define Remote Server Context */ rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyRemoteServerContext", "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); /* Compile schema */ rstat = edmiRemoteDefineSchema(myContext, EXPRESS_SCHEMA_TYPE, "c:/data/MyFile.exp", "c:/tmp/MyFile.dia", "MySchema", DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS | STORING_SOURCE, &nWrn, &nErr, NULL); /* Get the id of schema MySchema */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetSchema(myContext, "MySchema", &schemaId, NULL); /* Get the HTML source of schema MySchema */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetSchemaSource(myContext, EXPRESS_SCHEMA_TYPE, "MySchema", NULL, SHOW_HTML, "c:/out/MySchema.html", NULL); . . .
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