

FUNCTION xpxGetQuery (schemaName, querySchemaName, queryName : STRING;
                      VAR queryId                            : GENERIC)
                      status                                 : INTEGER;

The xpxGetQuery function returns a queryId that uniquely identifies an EDMquery function in the EDMdatabase . The query id is uniquely specified by the three arguments <schemaName>, <querySchemaName> and <queryName>. The constant xpxNullId is returned when no matching query is found.


STRINGschemaNameSpecifies the name of the Express schema (dictionary model) that hosts the query schema. This Express schema must exist as a dictionary model in the EDMdatabase . Schema names are case insensitive. Schema names are unique in an EDMdatabase .
STRINGquerySchemaNameSpecifies the name of the query schema of interest. Query schema names are case insensitive. Query schema names are unique within one dictionary model (Express schema).
STRINGqueryNameSpecifies the name of the query function (EDMquery) of interest. Query function names are case insensitive. Query schema names are unique within one query schema.
GENERICqueryIdthe numeric queryID that uniquely identifies the query function instance in the EDMdatabase .

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




<Missing Example>


See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.