

FUNCTION xpxGetPerformanceProperties(objectId                : GENERIC;
                                    options                  : INTEGER;
                                    numberOfProperties       : INTEGER;
                                    propertyName1 : STRING, VAR propertyValue1 : GENERIC;
                                    propertyName2 : STRING, VAR propertyValue2 : GENERIC;
                                    . . .
                                    propertyNameN : STRING, VAR propertyValueN  : GENERIC)
                                    rstat                  : INTEGER;

This function has a variable number of arguments. Legal number of arguments are minimum 5 and maximum 67 number of arguments.

The following is the list of current available performance properties:


IFILE_READ_BLOCKS                                    : Number of DB blocks read from the instance file (.I file)  to the DB cache since last open model operation on the actual model

DFILE_READ_BLOCKS                                   : Number of DB blocks read from the idata file (.d file)  to the DB cache since last open model operation on the actual model

IFILE_WRITE_BLOCKS                                   : Number of DB blocks written to the instance file (.I file)  from the DB cache since last open model operation on the actual model

DFILE_WRITE_BLOCKS                                 : Number of DB blocks written to the data file (.D file)  from the DB cache since last open model operation on the actual model

TOTAL_IFILE_READ_BLOCKS                       : Total number of DB blocks read from the instance file (.I file)  to the DB cache since the creation of the actual model

TOTAL_DFILE_READ_BLOCKS                     : Total number of DB blocks read from the data file (.D file)  to the DB cache since the creation of the actual model

TOTAL_IFILE_WRITE_BLOCKS                     : Total number of DB blocks written to the instance file (.I file)  from the DB cache since the creation of the actual model

TOTAL_DFILE_WRITE_BLOCKS                   : Total number of DB blocks written to the data file (.D file)  from the DB cache since the creation of the actual model

IFILE_UPDATED_BLOCKS_IN_CACHE          : Number of updated (dirty) instanced file DB blocks in DB cache for actual model

DFILE_UPDATED_BLOCKS_IN_CACHE        : Number of updated (dirty) data file DB blocks in DB cache for actual model

IFILE_BLOCKS_UPDATED                            : Number of updated (dirty) instance file DB blocks in transaction for actual model

DFILE_BLOCKS_UPDATED                          : Number of updated (dirty) data file DB blocks in transaction for actual model

IFILE_BLOCKS_IN_CACHE                           : Number of instance file DB blocks in DB cache for actual model

DFILE_BLOCKS_IN_CACHE                         : Number of data file DB blocks in DB cache for actual model

ABORTED_TRANSACTIONS                        : Total number of aborted transaction for actual model

COMMITTED_TRANSACTIONS                         : Total number of committed transaction for actual model

USED_INSTANCE_IDS                                     : Number of current used (active) instanceId in actual model

FREE_INSTANCE_IDS                                    : Number of usable free instanceId in actual model

LOST_INSTANCE_IDS                                      : Number of lost (deleted) instanceId in actual model

INSTANCES_IN_MODEL                                  : Number of entity instanceses in actual model

AGGREGATES_IN_MODEL                               : Number of aggregate instances in actual model

CONTAINERS_IN_MODEL                                : Number of containers in actual model

TABLE_INSTANCES_IN_MODEL                       : Number of EDMtableInstance in actual model

INSTANCEIDS_TO_BE_REUSED                      : Number of instanceId that can be reused (previously deleted) in actual model

USED_IFILE_SIZE_IN_MB                               : Size of instance file in MB of actual model

USED_DFILE_SIZE_IN_MB                               : Size of data file in MB of actual model

IFILE_READ_ACCESSES                                 : Number of read accesses to instance file since last open model operation on actual model

DFILE_READ_ACCESSES                               : Number of read accesses to data file since last open model operation on actual model

IFILE_WRITE_ACCESSES                               ; Number of write accesses to instance file since last open model operation on actual mode

DFILE_WRITE_ACCESSES                             :  Number of write accesses to data file since last open model operation on actual mode

FILE_OBJECTS_IN_MODEL                             : Number of file objects (_FILE data type) in actual model

FILE_OBJECTS_READ_OPERATIONS             : Number of read operations on file objects in actual model in last transaction

FILE_OBJECTS_WRITE_OPERATIONS            : Number of read operations on file objects in actual model in last transaction

ROLL_BACK_BLOCKS_IN_CACHE                    : Number of roll-back blocks in DB cache in actual model

ROLL_BACK_BLOCKS_IN_FILE                       : Number of roll-back blocks in transaction file in actual model



2GENERICobjectIdCurrently only an edmModelId or a sdaiModelId is legal. The actual model must be open
3INTEGERoptionsCurrently no options are defined
4INTEGERnumberOfProperties1 to 32 performance values can be read in one function invocation
5STRINGpropertyNameName of performance property to read. The property names are case insensitive.
6GENERICpropertyValueReceiving the actual read performance property value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.





<Missing Example>


See also

Filter by label

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