

FUNCTION xpxModifyMethodSignature (methodId             : GENERIC;
                                   methodClass          : STRING;
                                   returnValueDatatype  : INTEGER;
                                   returnValueDomainId  : GENERIC;
                                   argumentNames        : LIST OF STRING;
                                   argumentDatatypes    : LIST OF INTEGER;
                                   argumentDomainIds    : LIST OF GENERIC;
                                   description          : STRING)
                                   status               : INTEGER;

Changes additional information / documentation of a method in the EDMdatabase. The purpose of the user defined method signatures is to provide information about the methods and their input parameters to the users. The methods in question are Express-X mapping schemas and query functions. This is the only way to add classification and description to a query function method. For Express-X schema maps, this information may also be given by xpxDefineMethodSignature.


2GENERICmethodIdThe instance Id of the method to modify. This Id is an instance of the EDM_METHOD entity in the ExpressDataManager model.

The type of method. Values are:

  • "XPX" if the method is an Express-X Schema Map.
  • "QEX" if the method is a Query Function.
6LIST OF STRINGargumentNamesA NULL terminated list of argument names. Not applicable for query function methods.
7LIST OF INTEGERargumentDatatypesA list of parameter data types that corresponds to the <parameterNames>. Not applicable for query function methods.
8LIST OF GENERICargumentDomainIdsOptional, zero terminated buffer of parameter domainIds
9STRINGdescriptionOptional. A textual description of the method.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




<Missing Example>


See also

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