

FUNCTION xpxPackDate (seconds, minutes, hours, day : INTEGER;
                      month, year                  : INTEGER;
                      VAR packedTimeAndDate        : INTEGER)
                      status                       : INTEGER;

The function xpxPackDate converts the specified time and date to an integer representation. Dates from 1990 to 2054 can be represented. The integer representation of the time and date will be returned through the packedTimeAndDate argument


2INTEGERsecondsSeconds after the minute (0, 59)
3INTEGERminutesMinutes after the hour (0, 59)
4INTEGERhoursHours since midnight (0, 23)
5INTEGERdayDay of the month (1, 31)
6INTEGERmonthMonths since January (0, 11)
7INTEGERyearYears since 1900.
8INTEGERpackedTimeAndDateThe integer representation of the time and date

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




<Missing Example>


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