

FUNCTION xpxGetPersistentAttrHashTableProperties (modelId                      : GENERIC;
                                                  attrHashTableId              : GENERIC;
                                                  VAR hashTableWidth           : INTEGER;
                                                  VAR entries                  : INTEGER;
                                                  VAR subEntries               : INTEGER;
                                                  VAR databaseBlocks           : INTEGER;
                                                  VAR entriesPerBuckets        : LIST OF INTEGER;
                                                  VAR subEntriesPerBuckets     : LIST OF INTEGER;       
                                                  VAR databaseBlocksPerBuckets : LIST OF INTEGER)
                                                  status                       : INTEGER;

Function to retrieve properties of an given EDMpersitentAttrHashTable. This function has variable number of arguments, i.e., it can be invoked with minimum 6 argument and maximum 9 arguments.



2GENERICmodelIdSpecifies the EDMdataModel that locates the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable.
3GENERICattrHashTableIdAn instanceId that in combination with the argument "modelId" uniquely identifies an EDMpersitentAttrHashTable in an EDMdatabase. The "attrHashTableId" will be returned by a xpxGetPersistentAttrHashTable() operation
4INTEGERhashTableWidthThe width (number of buckets) of the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable will be returned in this argument.
5INTEGERentriesThe total number of entries (elements) in the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable will be returned in this argument.
6INTEGERsubEntriesThe total number of sub entries (sub elements)  in the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable will be returned in this argument.
7INTEGERdatabaseBlocksThe total number of database blocks in the EDMdatabase the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable occupies will be returned in this argument.
8LIST OF INTEGERentriesPerBucketsOptional argument. When specified, the number of elements per bucket (hash table distribution) will be returned as a LIST of integer. The index in this list is the same as the "bucket index" in the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable.
9LIST OF INTEGERsubEntriesPerBucketsOptional argument. When specified, the number of sub elements per bucket will be returned as a LIST of integer. The index in this list is the same as the "bucket index" in the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable. A "subEntry" in an EDMpersitentAttrHashTable, is an entry that holds an instanceId that share the same string value with other instanceIds. In other words, the number of "subEntries" gives the number of entries with identical string value in the actual bucket.
10LIST OF INTEGERdatabaseBlocksPerBucketsOptional argument. When specified, the number of database blocks in EDMdatabase occupied per nucket will be returned in the LIST of integer aggregate. The index in this list is the same as the "bucket index" in the actual EDMpersitentAttrHashTable.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




<Missing Example>


See also

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