

compose_decl = COMPOSE compose_head compose_body END_COMPOSE ?;? .
compose_head = [ compose_name FOR ] [ SUBTYPE ] compose_entity ';'  [ from_clause ] when_clause ?;? .
compose_body = BEGIN_COMPOSE [ algorithm_head ] { stmt } .
compose_name = simple_id .
compose_entity = extended_entity_ref .
algorithm_head = { declaration } [ local_decl ] .
declaraton = constant_decl | function_decl | procedure_decl
The purpose of the COMPOSE declaration is to fulfil a mapping process, that for one reason or another was not completed, in the MAP declaration that created the actual compose entity type. Any number of COMPOSE declarations with the same compose entity is legal.
The COMPOSE declaration begins with the keyword COMPOSE followed by the compose head, the compose body and ends with the keyword END_COMPOSE.
The scope of a compose name is the EDMexpressX mapping schema in which the compose declaration occurs, i.e. the global scope of an EDMexpressX mapping schema.

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