Show Schemata

Show Schemata

Displays the specified Express schema(ta) in the specified format. The following formats are available:

  • An Express format constructed from the dictionary model of the actual schema(ta). This format can be very different from the original Express format found in the original source of the actual schemata. There may also be some information missing, such as ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONE OF (…..)). The schema will be displayed in the EDMsupervisor output window and optionally copied to the file specified by the <Output file> argument.
  • An Express format that is an exact copy of the original Express schema. This format is only available if the actual schema was compiled by the Schemata>DefineSchema command with the [storing source] option set. The schema will be displayed in the EDMsupervisor output window and optionally copied to the file specified by the <Output file> argument.
  • A HTML representation of the actual schema(ta) is produced and this HTML representation is displayed by the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser.
  • Displays the actual schema(s) in the graphical representation of the Express language, i.e., the Express-G notation. This format requires that the EDMvisualExpress is available. EDMvisualExpress is currently only available on the Windows/95 and Windows/NT platforms.

All schemata with a name that exactly or partly matches the argument <Schema> will be handled by this command unless the option [exact match] is set, then only the schema with a name that exactly matches the argument <Schema> will be handled.


Specify the name of schema(ta) in the EDMdatabase to display. Schema names are case insensitive.
When activating the Select button, the names of all existing schemata will be displayed in the related selection list.

Output file:

Specify a name of a file that will receive a copy of the display when the representation format is a textual format, i.e., not graphical or HTML format.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

exact match:

A global option that specifies that only the schema with a name that exactly matches the argument <Schema> will be displayed.

match selected input:

A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items.
This option has no effect on file name arguments.

show source:

Specifies that the display format will be exactly like the original source Express schema(ta). This option is only effective when the actual schema was compiled by the Schemata>DefineSchema command with the [storing source] option set.

show html:

Specifies that a temporary HTML representation of the actual schema will be produced and the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser is invoked to display the actual schema in HTML representation.
A permanent HTML representation of Express schemata can be obtained by executing the command Schemata>MakeHTMLformat.
This option is only effective when only one schema matches the <Schema> argument.
If the option [make line numbers] is set, no html output is produced.

make line numbers:

Specifies that a line sequence number should be written on the beginning of each line when the actual schema(ta) are displayed in textual format.
This option is only effective if the option [show source] is set.

show textual:

(Windows version only)Specifies that the actual schemata will be displayed in textual format, i.e., not in the graphical Express-G format.

show graphical:

(Windows version only)Specifies that the actual schemata will be displayed in Express-G format, the graphical notation of the Express language. This option is only effective when the module EDMvisualExpress is available in the EDMsupervisor.

After the schemata have been displayed in textual mode in the EDMsupervisor, pressing the rightmost mouse button may enable browsing. The menu that is popped up will offer:

GoTo Definition Of <item>

Focus will be moved to the entity or type definition for the item.


A history of browsed items is maintained. Next/Prev will move focus to the entity or type definition of the next/previous item in the history list.


Clears the history list.

Select All

Marks all text in the window.


Copies the selection to the clipboard.


Invokes a dialogue box for ordinary text search.