Show Rule Schemata

Show Rule Schemata

Displays the source of the specified Rule schema(ta).
All Rule schemata with a name that exactly or partly matches the argument<Rule Schema> will be handled by this command unless the option [exact match] is set, then only the Rule schema with a name that exactly matches the argument <Rule Schema> will be handled.


Specify the name of the schema to which the Rule schema applies. Express schema names are case insensitive.
When activating the Select button, the name of all Express schemata that exists as dictionary models in the database will be displayed in the related selection list.

Rule Schema:

Specify the name of the Rule schema(ta) to display. Rule schema names are case insensitive.
When activating the Select button, the name of all Rule schemata that exists for the EXPRESS schema specified in the <Schema> argument will be displayed in the related selection list.

Output file:

Specify the name of a file that will receive a copy of the Rule schema(ta) optionally with line sequence number added to the beginning of each line.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

exact match:

A global option that specifies that only the Rule schema with a name that exactly matches the arguments <Schema> and <Rule Schema> will be displayed

match selected input:

A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items.
This option has no effect on file name arguments.

make line numbers:

Specifies that a line sequence number should be written on the beginning of each line when the actual query schema(ta) are displayed in textual format.

make log line numbers:

When a Rule is executed, a log from the EDMexpressVM can optionally be produced. The line numbers of the Rule schema will be logged with an offset, which is the actual number of lines in the underlying Express schema. Select this option to make line numbers for the rule schema that correspond to those on the log file.
This option should also be enabled when using the output from this command during debugging of the actual queries using the EDMdebugger.

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