Show Aggregate

Show Aggregate

Displays an aggregate, i.e. the aggregate elements will be displayed for the actual aggregate.
The actual aggregate is specified by a numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies an aggregate instance in the EDMdatabase. This command is invoking the EDMinstanceBrowser to display the actual aggregate.
For aggregate, the instance or aggregate “pointed to" can be displayed by clicking on the arrow button to the left of the value field. In this way a graph of instances can be browsed, by displaying instances one by one.
A history chain of browsed instances will be maintained, and the Next and Prev buttons can be used to navigate forward and backward in the chain. The Delete button is used to delete the currently displayed instance/aggregate from the history chain. The Cancel button is used to remove the complete history chain as well as closing the window of the currently displayed instance and returning to the command dialogue.
The horizontal scroll bar can be used to scroll the attribute, type and instance value fields in horizontal direction when required, and the vertical scroll bar can be used to scroll the complete display window in vertical direction when required.
The model containing the actual aggregate to be displayed must be open before the Data>Show>Aggregate command can be performed successfully. This command cannot change any data in the EDMdatabase.


Specifies the unique numeric aggregateID of the aggregate instance to be displayed.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

instance id in show aggregate:

When displaying aggregates of instances in table format, the instance id is displayed in the first column if this option is checked.