Show Step Identifiers
Displays the correspondent instanceId of a specified stepId and vice versa.
When importing a STEP Physical File into the EDMdatabase, a STEP Identifier model can optionally be created to hold the correspondence between stepId and EDMdatabase instanceID. A stepID is the entity instance identifiers on a STEP file.
This command can optionally display the actual instance in the same way as the Data>Show>Instance command, but the actual instance to be displayed can be specified by an instanceID or by a stepID.
instanceID or query? |
Specify one of the following: |
InstanceId: |
Specify an unsigned integer value denoting the EDMdatabase unique instanceID of the instance of interest. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to instanceID and the option [stepId from instanceId] is enabled. |
Repository: |
Specify the name of the open repository that holds the actual instance. Repository names are case sensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query and the option [stepId from instanceId] is enabled. |
Model: |
Specify the name of the model that holds the instance of interest. Model names are case sensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query and the option [stepId from instanceId] is enabled. This model must be open. |
Entity: |
Specify the name of the entity, i.e. the type of the instance of interest. Entity names are case insensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query and the option [stepId from instanceId] is enabled. |
First instance index to check: |
Specify an integer value denoting the index, i.e., element number in the entity extent aggregate that holds all instances of the same type in a model. The value of the <First instance index to check> argument specifies the index of the first instance to be queried. The instance type is specified by the <Entity> argument. The first instance in the entity extent aggregate has index zero. |
Condition: |
Specify the conditions the actual instance should match. All queried instances will match the query when this argument is empty (blank). This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query and the option [stepId from instanceId] is enabled. |
stepID: |
An integer number specifying the instance of interest. This argument is only effective when the option [instanceId from stepId] is enabled. |
accumulating command output: |
A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed. |
match selected input: |
A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items. |
update indexes: |
A global option that specifies that the <First instance to check> argument will be updated to the next index after the one currently displayed. |
instanceId from stepId: |
Displays the instanceID corresponding to the stepId specified in the <StepID> argument. |
stepId from instanceId: |
Displays the stepId corresponding to the instanceId specified by the <InstanceId> argument or a query. |
show instance: |
Display the actual instance in the same way as by the Data>Show>Instance command. |