Run Command Script

Run Command Script

Run a command script file, i.e., execute all EDMsupervisor commands defined in the specified file. A command script can be made by using a standard text editor or by using the Aux>CommandScript>StartLogging .
All EDMsupervisor commands except those invoking the EDMinstanceBrowser can be activated form an EDMsupervisor command script.

Command script file:

Specify name of the file that holds the command script. The default file extension of command script files is ".cmd".
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.

Delay after each command:

Specify delay in number of seconds between the termination of one command and the start of the next command. This feature makes it possible to manually following the execution of the commands in the script.

Delay after each select:

Specify time in seconds that each selection list will be displayed before continue running the script. This is for manually watching the content in the selection lists. Selection lists are for arguments that have a Select button.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

— The following items apply only to UNIX version of EDMsupervisor -------------------------------

clear all options:

Resets all Aux>CommandScript>Run options.

manual control:

Run command script in manual control mode. This means that for each command in the script the dialogue with the arguments will be displayed, then the system will wait for user action. User action can be to change any of the arguments, activating the Ok button, activating the Cancel button etc.

manual control on first error:

When an error from a command is reported, the running of the script will change to manual control mode, i.e., the running of the command script will stop and wait for user actions as described for the [manual control] option.

abort on first error:

The running of script will terminate when an error is reported from a command.

— The following items apply only to WINDOWS version of EDMsupervisor -----------------------
A Script control dialogue with two push buttons is displayed at the upper left corner of the screen when the Aux>CommandScript>Run is activated.
The End Script button is used to terminate the Aux>CommandScript>Run command.
When activating the Stop button the running of the command script will be halted and the function of the Stop button will change to Run, i.e., by activating the Run button the running of the command script will continue from the place the run was halted. The sequence of activating the Stop and Run button can be repeated until all commands in the script are executed or the script is terminated by activating the End Script command.

Substitutes %EDMS_FILE_ROOT%:

When this parameter is specified and the option "" is selected, every occurrence of %EDMS_FILE_ROOT% is substituted by this argument.


execute silently:

If this option is selected, the script is executed without displaying the command dialogs.

file root substitution:

If this option is selected, every accurence of %EDMS_FILE_ROOT% is substituted by an actual value. The actual value is the argument "Substitutes %EDMS_FILE_ROOT%:" if it is specified. If the argument is not specified, the config parameter EDMS_FILE_ROOT is used. If the config parameter is empty, the environment variable EDMS_FILE_ROOT is used. If the environment variable is empty, an error massage is given.
If this option is not selected and %EDMS_FILE_ROOT% is found in the script file, an error message is given and the script execution is interrupted.

— The following items apply only to UNIX version of EDMsupervisor -------------------------------
A Script control push button is displayed at the upper left corner of the screen when the Aux>CommandScript>Run is activated. By activating this push button the running of the command script will be interrupted and a new dialogue box is displayed. By specifying the options in the displayed "Controlling Command Script" dialogue, the user can choose to continue running the command script with other conditions specified in the "Controlling Command Script" dialogue.
When the Cancel button in the "Controlling Command Script" dialogue is activated, the Aux>CommandScript>Run command will be terminated.
When the Ok button in the "Controlling Command Script" dialogue is activated, the running of command script command will continue with the arguments and options found in the "Controlling Command Script" dialogue.
Below is a description of the "Controlling Command Script" dialogue.

Delay after each command:

Specify delay in number of seconds between the termination of one command and the start of the next command. This feature makes it possible to manually following the execution of the commands in the script. This argument has effect only when the [command delay] option is set.

Delay after each select:

Specify time in seconds that each selection list will be displayed before continue running the script. This is for manually watching the content in the selection lists. Selection lists is for arguments that have a Select button. This argument has effect only when the [select delay] argument is set.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

clear all options:

Reset all Aux>CommandScript>Run options except the [accumulating command output] option.

aborting all scripts:

Terminate the Aux>CommandScript>Run command.

aborting current script:

Terminate the current command script. In case of more scripts, i.e. nested command scripts, the running of command scripts will continue with the next command in the script after the current Aux>CommandScript>Run command.

list all active scripts:

Specifies that the name of all active command script files will be displayed.

manual control:

Continue running the command script in manual control mode. This means that for each command in the script, the dialogue with the arguments will be displayed, then the system will wait for user action. User action can be to change any of the arguments, activating the Ok button, activating the Cancel button etc.

manual control on first error:

When an error from a command is reported, the running of the script will change to manual control mode, i.e., the running of the command script will stop and wait for user actions as described for the [manual control] option.

abort on first error:

When continue running the script, the running of command script will be aborted when an error is reported by a command function.

command delay:

Continue running the command script with delay after each command as specified in the <Delay after each command> argument.

select delay:

Continue running the command script with delay after each select as specified in the <Delay after each select> argument.


that the command script run will abort at the first “failing” command.

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