Change log
Change log
Changes from version 2.0 to 3.0:
- Added chapter 4. EDM Server Side C++ Plug-in
- Corrected the code example in 3.12
- Corrected text before using namespace ccpm in chapter 3.4.1
- Explained how to declare the EXPRESS schema object in the example in chapter 3.4.1
- Modified a comment in the 3.6.2 example
- Added missing methods for Methods for Bag, Set and List in chapter 3.7
- Modified chapter 3.11
- Rephrased chapter 3,12
- Chapter 3.13: The SubModel concept is abandoned, since the "thin" memory model should be used in case of memory shortage.
- Remade chapter 3.14
- Improved the description of edmiRemoteExecuteCppMethod in chapter 4.
- Added more about complex entities in chapter 5.
- Added content to chapter 5.2 (Use of EDMinterface™)
- Reworked 3.6.1
- Substituted example in chapter 3.7, since the old one was erroneous.
- Remove chapter 3.7.1
- Substituted example in chapter 3.8
- Extended the example in chapter 3.9
- Substituted the examples in chapter 3.11
- Substituted the clone example in chapter 3.8
- Chapter 6.1 : EXPRESS Data Manager™ installation no longer contains cpp10 examples
- Substituted the first example in chapter 3.10
- Chapter 6 substituted with Appendix A and B.
Changes from version 3.0 to 3.1:
- Added information about how to download the software.
Changes from version 3.1 to 3.2:
- Changed namespace names from cppm/cppd to OIM/OID.