Basic Operations in EXPRESS Data Manager

Basic Operations in EXPRESS Data Manager

All operations in EXPRESS Data Manager will use EDMinterface for communication with the EDMdatabase. EDMinterface supports both a low-level interface with operations on instance level and a high-level business object layer. Some applications like the EDMmodelChecker and the EDMmodelConvertercan also be invoked through the EDMinterface. The following operations are basic and are supported both through the EDMinterface and the EDMsupervisor application.

Create databaseCreate and manipulate databases and repositories in the EDMdatabase
Define schemasExpress schemas can be defined with the EDMexpressCompiler application. Schemas are checked for syntax errors.
Read/write P21 filesImport and export STEP physical files (P21 files). Populating schemas.
ConversionsUses the EDMmodelConverter application.


Mapping of data from one, or more, source schema to a structurally different target schema. Uses the EDMmodelConverter application.
QueriesAny EXPRESS schema can be queried, Business Objects can be defined, and operations on BO’s can be performed. Uses the EDMmodelConverter application.
ValidationsAny kind of rules and constraints can be applied to EXPRESS schemas, such as business rules, rules defined by public authorities etc. Uses the EDMmodelChecker application.
Browse instancesBrowse entity instances and display/modify their attributes.
Information modellingGraphically generate/manipulate information models in EXPRESS-G notation, by drag-and-drop method. Uses the EDMvisualExpress application.


System setup

After the EXPRESS Data Manager has been successfully installed, any application can use EDMinterface to setup the system. A sequential set of operations need to be done to get the system operational:

  1. install license
  2. define a schema
  3. populate the schema

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