EDMdevelopmentServer A

EDMdevelopmentServer A

When you develop EDMthinClient applications, you will need access to an EDMsixServer. But developers do not necessarily have the required license to install one in their local development environment. You may not even have a license for EDMsdk, since EDMthinClient applications do not need one. To provide an authentic environment to EDMthinClient developers, EDMsix products come with an EDMdevelopmentServer. The EDMdevelopmentServer is a constrained version of the EDMsixServer and is only intended as a help in the development of EDMthinClient applications.

The following constraints apply;

  • Will only accept EDMthinClients running on localhost.
  • Accepts only a single EDMuser.
  • May only run one EDMapplicationServer.
  • Local EDMdatabases will be inaccessible after 14 days.

Except for the constraints listed above, the EDMdevelopmentServer may be configured as any licensed EDMsixServer.

Since the EDMdevelopmentServer is only a constrained version of the EDMsixServer, the installation procedure for the EDMsixServer fully applies. However, below is a quick install procedure for developers who want to run a local EDMdevelopmentServer process on their system.

Create a database folder on your local file system

In the rest of this procedure, we will assume that the database folder you created was  c:\db

Create the EDMdatabase

Use the command line statement below to create an EDMdatabase named MyDB with password MyPwd_2017 in the c:\db database folder. This example assumes that your EDMdevelopmentServer will be communicating on your localhosts service port 4500;

C:\> edmserver.exe -lc:\db -s4500 -nMyDB -pMyPwd_2017 -c
***  EDMsix Version 2.0100.04 Mar 29 2016 Development Server started  ***
Database created.

Once you have created the EDMdatabase, you may access it for the next 14 days. After that, you need to delete it and create a new one with the above command.

Start the EDMdevelopmentServer

When the EDMdatabase is created, you may start the EDMdevelopmentServer and connect to it with the following command statement

C:\> edmserver.exe -lc:\db -s4500 -nMyDB -pMyPwd_2017 -o
***  EDMsix Version 2.0100.04 Mar 29 2016 Development Server started  ***

The EDMdevelopmentServer process will run until you stop it by pressing <CTRL-C> or close the window.

 Start the EDMapplicationServer

EDMthinClients need the EDMapplicationServer to access the EDMdatabase. To start the EDMapplicationServer, open a new command window and type the following statement 

C:\> edmappserver.exe -s4500
***  EDMsix Version 2.0100.04 Mar 29 2016 Application Server started  ***

Your EDMdevelopmentServer is now running.

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