Define Server Trace

Define Server Trace

Defines the EDMserver trace conditions. This command is protected by a password for other users than the superuser.


Specify the password of the superuser. If no user is connected to the actual EDMserver, then this command is legal for all users. If the calling user is already connected as superuser, then this argument is a dummy.

Appserver clientId:

The clientId of the EDMapplicationServer process to trace.
Tracing of one specific EDMapplicationServer is not yet implemented.

Trace file:

Specify the name of a file to write the trace records into. This file is written to by the EDMserver, hence the file must be accessible by the server.
This argument is only effective when the [trace to file] option is set.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.

Max file size:

Specify an integer value that is the maximum number of bytes the specified <Trace file> can hold before the <Trace file> is closed, and renamed to TF_<trace file number><Trace file name>. After that a new <Trace file> with the original name is opened. By this mechanism the entire trace is chopped into several files.
This argument is only effective when the <Trace file> argument is specified and the [trace to file] option is set.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

clear all options:

Resets all Server>Trace<Define command options except the [accumulating command output] option.

srv trace cmd:

Specify that the command name in all messages to the EDMserver will be written in the trace records.

srv trace reply:

Specifies that the name of all reply messages from the EDMserver will be written in the trace records.

srv trace header:

Trace the command and reply headers

srv trace body:

Trace the command and reply bodies

srv trace errors

Specifies that error conditions detected by the EDMserver will be written in a trace record.

srv trace verbose:

Trace events such as getting and releasing semaphores etc.

srv trace time:

Trace the time elapsed for execution of commands by the EDMserver

srv trace flush on:

Flush the server trace after each printout. This ensures that all the trace information will be available even in case of unforeseen events like a server crash.

srv trace full:

This option is equivalent to :SRV_TRACE_CMD









srv trace brief:

Only the clientId, the sequence number and the command and reply names will be traced.

srv trace to stdout:

Specifies that the trace records will be written to the standard output device of the EDMserver process.
Applies only to UNIX versions of EDMsupervisor

srv trace stdout brief:

Same as for [SRV_TRACE_BRIEF], but the trace will not be written to a trace file.

srv trace to file:

Specifies that the trace records will be written to the file specified in the <Trace file> argument.

srv trace all servers:

Trace the main server as well as all connected EDMapplicationServer processes.

start Trace:

Specifies that the trace will start immediately after this command is terminated.

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