Start Server Trace

Start Server Trace

Start the EDMserver trace with the actual trace conditions as defined by the last Server>Trace>Define command. This command should be used to start the EDMserver trace or to restart the EDMserver trace after it has been stopped with the Server>Trace>Stop command.
If a Server>Trace>Close command has been executed since the last execution of the Server>Trace>Define command, then a new Server>Trace>Define command must be performed before the trace can be started by the Server>Trace>Start command.
This command is protected by a password for other users than the superuser.


Specify the password of the superuser. If no user is connected to the actual EDMserver, then this command is legal for all users. If the calling user is already connected as superuser, then this argument is a dummy.

Appserver clientId:

The client Id of the EDMapplicationServer process to trace. At the moment there is no run-time option for tracing a single application server process. However, this feature is obtainable but requires a full remake the EDMserver. When this parameter is set zero, the EDMServer will be traced.
The client Ids of the EDMapplicationServer processes may be obtained by the commands Aux->WhoIsOn or RemoteSystems->Aux->WhoIsOn.
This parameter is only applicable in combination with the Define Server Trace command.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

srv trace all servers:

Trace the main server as well as all connected EDMapplicationServer processes.