"Open model" dialog

"Open model" dialog

The dialog to open RDL model appears by clicking main menu item "Models" → "Open model…" See Figure 4.
The user needs to select a repository from the "Repository" drop-down list. The list contains names of repositories with RDL models. Then the user needs to select a model from the "Model" drop-down list. This list contains all models with RDL data for the selected repository. The text field below the "Limit tree by Class members" check box shows the URL of the RDL classifier, that is, the domain of all items in the "Tree view" tree. For example, all RDL classes imported from OWL files are classified by class with URL http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class. That is, the class has identifier "Class", and it belongs to ontology http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl.
If check box "Limit tree by Class members" is checked, the content of "Tree view" panel will be limited by specified domain.
Text field below "Use as root class" check box shows the URL of the root RDL class in the "Tree view" panel. If check box "Use as root class" is checked, the specified RDL class will be the root in the "Tree view" panel.

Figure 4 "Open model" dialog
Before the "Tree view" panel is populated, those who will browse the data must identify themselves as editor of the data. Dialog "Select user" is shown after the "Open model" dialog and is closed by "OK" (see chapter 11).

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