6 - Import P21 file

6 - Import P21 file

A P21 file with RDL data can be imported to the RDL Editor as a new model via the main menu item "Models" → "Import P21 file…".
The following dialog appears (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 "Import P21" dialog
The Repository drop-down list contains names of repositories with RDL models. One of them should be chosen. The user needs to input the intended name of the new model into field "Model".
Note: A model name must start with a character followed by characters, digits or underscores.
Specify the name of the RDL data input file either by writing path and file name or by selecting a file using the right side button "…".
"Import log" and "Validation Log" check boxes are checked by default. This means text of import and validation logs will be available in "Import Log" and "Validation Log" panels.
"Limit tree by Class members" and "Use as root class" check boxes are checked by default. "Open model dialog" has the same check boxes; here they play the same roles (see chapter 5.1).
Before the "Tree view" panel is populated, the user who wants to browse the data must identify herself as editor of the data. Dialog "Select user" is shown after the "Open model" dialog is closed by "OK" (see chapter 11).

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