The PLCS RDL Editor EDMrdlEditor™(plcs) (or just RDL Editor) works against the EXPRESS Data Manager (EDM). The database logically consists of a set of data repositories each holding a collection of models. The RDL Editor uses two repositories named "DataRepository" and "RDL". The "RDL" repository collects independent RDLs, each in a model of its own. Each of these models keeps a hierarchy of RDL classes designed to support user Projects. The name of a model is unique within a repository. The models represent RDL data in terms of the ISO 12006-3 v15 EXPRESS schema.
This RDL Editor can be used to browse, edit and create RDL data that are represented in accordance to ISO 12006-3 v15. Source of an RDL model may be STEP or OWL files.
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