Annex A. How to collect OWL files

OWL files that represent the reference data library of DEXlib are packed into a ZIP-file. The package can be downloaded from the following link:
The OASIS PLCS Reference Data Library (five OWL files) can be found inside the package in the following folder:\data\refdata\committee-specification\
All those five OWL files need to be added to the "OWL files" list of "Import OWL files" dialog (see chapter 7).
There is one Aerospace and Defense business specific OWL file. It can be found inside the package:\data\busconcept\Aerospace_and_Defense\ref_data\plcs-rdl-ad.owl
This OWL file refers to the above mentioned five OWL files from the package. All those six OWL files should be placed into the same folder and added to the "OWL files" list of the "Import OWL files" dialog (see chapter 7).