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EDMsixInside comprise one or more embeddable perpetual EDMruntime license keys and a standardized Embedded Software License Agreement (ESLA) governing its commercial use.

There are several possible models for distributing applications with Express Data Manager functionality. They all have in common that they require a distribution agreement with Jotne EPM Technology AS. However, most application vendors use a very limited subset of the Express Data Manager functionality, like STEP/ifcXML Read/Write and data modifications. This introduces the need for a simple and affordable licensing regime for using EDMsix libraries in third party applications. Therefore, the annual cost for EDMsixInside is fixed and does not scale with the volume sold. However, EDMsixInside is only intended for desktop applications, denoted EDMstandaloneClients. Applications made available as Cloud and SaaS may also be covered by ESLA, but not by the EDMsixInside agreement.

Before you decide to license your application under EDMsixInside, you should make sure your intended use is within its legal scope.

Basically, what you cannot do within the scope of our standardized EDMsixInside agreement is
  • Provide Cloud based SaaS services to end users. EDMsixInside is for desktop applications.
  • Wrap EDMsdk functionality and provide it to end users as your own.
  • Expose the EDMruntime license key, e.g in open source code.

If your intended use conflicts with the above, please contact us for a discussion about other possibilities. There are other royalty based agreements available.

The EDMruntime License

EDMruntime licenses are for embedding in the source code of applications that use the licensed functionality of the EDMsdk development libraries. An EDMruntime license is not bound to the hardware of a specific computer and may therefore be distributed to end users under your applications own licensing regime.

EDMsixInside is the name of an embeddable perpetual EDMruntime license key and a standardized Embedded Software License Agreement (ESLA) governing its commercial use. The annual cost for EDMsixInside is fixed and does not scale with the volume sold.

There are several possible models for distributing applications with Express Data Manager functionality. They all have in common that they require a distribution agreement with Jotne EPM Technology AS. However, most application vendors use a very limited subset of the Express Data Manager functionality, like STEP/ifcXML Read/Write and data modifications.

Before you decide to use EDMsdk as your development kit, you should make sure your intended use is within the scope of EDMsixInside

Basically, what you cannot do within the scope of our standardized EDMsixInside agreement is

  • Provide SaaS services to end users. EDMsixInside is for desktop applications.
  • Wrap EDMsdk functionality and provide it to end users as your own.
  • Expose the EDMruntime license key in open source code.

If your intended use conflicts with the above, please contact us for a discussion about other possibilities. There are other royalty based agreements available.

EDMruntime licenses are for embedding in the source code of applications that use the licensed functionality of the EDMsdk development libraries. An EDMruntime license is not bound to the hardware of a specific computer and may therefore be distributed to end users under your applications own licensing regime.

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