Translate name

Translate name

The functionality can be used to add more names to RDL ontology.
An RDL ontology object that has been imported from an OWL file has an URL as an identifier of the ontology and all the RDL classes in domain of the ontology.
OWL files do not have any information about URN which is used in DEXlib to identify classes.
RDL class http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Ontology* classifies all RDL ontology objects. The class is subclass of *Thing (see Figure 12).

Figure 12 "Ontology" class in tree view
List of classified RDL ontology objects can be found at "Classified items" cell of "Class details" view (see Figure 13)

Figure 13 "Classified items" cell of "Class details" view
One of items (RDL ontology) can be chosen to see its details, "http://docs.oasis-open.org/plcs/plcs-arm-lf-express" for example.
"Translate name" button of "Class details" view becomes available when any RDL ontology object is represented at "Class details" view (see Figure 14).

Figure 14 "Translate name" button
"Translate name" dialog is shown (see Figure 15) after click on the "Translate name" button. Select a name from the "Name" drop-down list ("Translate from" group), input a new name to the "Name" text field and select one of the available languages from the "Language" drop-down list ("Translate to" group). Then click "OK" to execute the operation.

Figure 15 "Translate name" dialog
Figure 15 represents data inputted by user. Text field "Name" contains "urn:plcs:rdl:std" text. This is URN used for selected RFL ontology in DEXlib.
If any of input fields are empty, red sign is shown near empty field after user clicks "OK" button.
The dialog can be closed by clicking "Cancel" button. The operation is not executed in this case.

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