List of all EDM configuration variables

List of all EDM configuration variables

The following table gives a short description of all the configurable variables in EDMserver.


Variable name


Default value



If "TRUE" EDMappServers will automatically restart on abnormal termination. Use the -ar EDMserver argument to trun this option to TRUE or use the supervisor.









This will point to the Appserver executable to be used as the EDMappServer.  The executable must be inside the EDM\bin installation folder.






Temporally folder for the EDMappserver.





















 Defines the database cache size in number of database blocks for an EDMfatClient. To be effective, this configuration variable must be set before the actual EDMfatClient opens the session. The value of this configuration variable normally has a great influence of system performance. The value should be seen in relation to the size of physical memory and size of virtual memory (swapping file) in the actual system. A "normal" value should be in the range from 25000 to 75000 (25MB – 75MB). The default value is 50000.




 Due to security and performance reasons, it may be wanted to limit the models (populations) that can be opened by an EDMfatClient. This configuration variable is used to define such limits. All EDMfatClients can always open system models, i.e., models that are implicitly created at EDMdatabase creation time. Opening of any other models must be according to the setting of EDM_CLIENTS_OPEN_MODEL_PERMISSION.
Note: This setting will not have any influence on the standard access check procedures when opening a model for read-write access, read-only access etc. When an EDMfatClient is permitted to access a model according the setting of EDM_CLIENTS_OPEN_MODEL_PERMISSION, the standard access checking will be performed before any access is granted.
The following settings are available:
NO_RESTRICTION - all models can be opened by any EDMfatClient.
APPLICATION_SERVERS – all models can be opened by any EDMfatClient that runs as an EDMappserver.
APPLICATION_SERVERS_ON_SERVER_HOST – all models can be opened by any EDMfatClient that runs as an EDMappserver on the same host (system) as the EDMserver.
CLIENTS_ON_SERVER_HOST – all models can be opened by any EDMfatClient that runs in the same host (system) as the EDMserver.
The following three settings uses a three level filter that defines the set of models that can be opened by different EDMfatClients. These filters are implemented as attributes (aggregates) in the EDM_DATABASE instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model. Any of these filters (aggregates) can be empty or filled. All filters with at least one element will always be tested. These filters can be updated (populated) by commands in EDMsupervisor or through the EDMinterface
The actual attributes are:
CLIENTS_WITH_OPEN_MODEL_PERMISSION – set of zero to n number of EDMclientId. If this attribute (aggregate) is not empty, only EDMfatClients with EDMclientId that matches any EDMclientId in this attribute can open the defined set of models
USERS_AND_GROUPS_WITH_OPEN_MODEL_PERMISSION – set of zero to n number of EDMuser and/or EDMgroup instances. If this attribute (aggregate) is not empty, only EDMfatClients that services an EDMuser or an EDMgroup that matches an element in this aggregate can open the defined set of models.
MODELS_APPLICABLE_TO_OPEN_MODEL_PERMISSION – set of zero to one modelId that defines the actual set of models that can be opened by EDMfatClients that qualifies to open them.
APPLICATION_SERVERS_AND_SELECTION – EDMfatClients that runs as an EDMappserver will test against the filters and see if an actual model can be opened.
APPLICATION_SERVERS_ON_SERVER_HOST_AND_SELECTION - EDMfatClients that runs as an EDMappserver in the same host (system) as the EDMserver will test against the filters and see if an actual model can be opened.
SELECTION_ONLY – any EDMfatClient will test against the filters to see if an actual model can be opened.



{0 ,3,"EDM_CHECKING_MODELS_IN_OPEN_DB" ,&A_EDM_CHECKING_MODELS_IN_OPEN_DB[0] ,false ,&checkModelsInOpenDatabase ,0 ,sdaiINTEGER,&def_checking_models_in_open_db ,false},




 Defines the size of the EDMdatabase physical block size and the EDMserver cache block size, i.e., units (in bytes) of data to transfer between the database on disc and the EDMserver cache.
The EDMdatabase physical block size is set equal to the value of EDM_DB_BLOCK_SIZE when the EDMdatabase is created and can never be changed.
The EDMdatabase physical block size limits the size of one entity instance in an EDMdatabase. The number of attributes in an instance decides the size of an entity instance. Hence the value of EDM_DB_BLOCK_SIZE may have to be increased to be able to store instances of all entities defined in an Express schema.
The EDMdatabase physical block size and the EDMserver cache block size may influence the performance of the EDMserver. Hence, the EDMserver should be tested with different values for EDM_DB_BLOCK_SIZE during system tuning.
Default value of is EDM_DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 1024. Legal sizes are: 1024, 1024*2, 1024*8, 1024*16. ??? only 1024!




 Default protection assigned to the "built-in" repository named "DataRepository" when an EDMdatabase is created. Hence, to get any effect, this configuration variable must be set before an EDMdatabase is created.




 The default protection assigned to an EDMarchivedModel that is owned by an EDMgroup only, i.e., not owned by any EDMuser. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_ARCHIVED_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMgroup instance when the EDMgroup is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMgroup will change the configuration value for this particular EDMgroup. This protection will be assigned to an EDMarchivedModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMgroup. For legal value of protection see ???




 he default protection assigned to an EDMdataModel that is owned by an EDMgroup only, i.e., not owned by any EDMuser. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_DATA_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMgroup instance when the EDMgroup is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMgroup will change the configuration value for this particular EDMgroup. This protection will be assigned to an EDMdataModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMgroup. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to an EDMdictionaryModel that is owned by an EDMgroup only, i.e., not owned by any EDMuser. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMgroup instance when the EDMgroup is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMgroup will change the configuration value for this particular EDMgroup. This protection will be assigned to an EDMdictionaryModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMgroup. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to EDMquerySchema and EDMruleSchema that are owned by an EDMgroup only, i.e., not owned by any EDMuser. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_EXTRA_SCHEMATA_PROTECTION" in the EDMgroup instance when the EDMgroup is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMgroup will change the configuration value for this particular EDMgroup. This protection will be assigned to an EDMquerySchema and EDMruleSchema at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMgroup. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to an EDMmodelRepository that is owned by an EDMgroup only, i.e., not owned by any EDMuser. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_MODEL_REPOSITORIES_PROTECTION" in the EDMgroup instance when the EDMgroup is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMgroup will change the configuration value for this particular EDMgroup. This protection will be assigned to an EDMmodelRepository at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMgroup. For legal value of protection see ???







 The default protection assigned to an EDMarchivedModel that has an EDMuser as owner. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_ARCHIVED_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMuser instance when the EDMuser is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMuser will change the configuration value for this particular EDMuser. This protection will be assigned to an EDMarchivedModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMuser.




The default protection assigned to an EDMdataModel that has an EDMuser as owner. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_DATA_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMuser instance when the EDMuser is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMuser will change the configuration value for this particular EDMuser. This protection will be assigned to an EDMdataModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMuser. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to an EDMdictionaryModel that has an EDMuser as owner. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_MODELS_PROTECTION" in the EDMuser instance when the EDMuser is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMuser will change the configuration value for this particular EDMuser. This protection will be assigned to an EDMdictionaryModel at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMuser. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to EDMquerySchema and EDMruleSchema that have an EDMuser as owner. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_EXTRA_SCHEMATA_PROTECTION" in the EDMuser instance when the EDMuser is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMuser will change the configuration value for this particular EDMuser. This protection will be assigned to an EDMquerySchema and EDMruleSchema at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMuser. For legal value of protection see ???




 The default protection assigned to an EDMmodelRepository that has an EDMuser as owner. The value of this configuration variable is kept in the EDMdatabase instance in the SystemRepository.ExpressDataManager model and will be inherited to the attribute "DEFAULT_MODEL_REPOSITORIES_PROTECTION" in the EDMuser instance when the EDMuser is created. Hence later updates of this attribute for a particular EDMuser will change the configuration value for this particular EDMuser. This protection will be assigned to an EDMmodelRepository at its creation time. This configuration variable can be set at any time and will be immediate effective on later created EDMuser.




Defines the maximum virtual memory (in bytes) that can be consumed by the EDMexpressVM before an exception is raised. When the value of EDM_EVM_MAX_MEM_USAGE is set to 0 (zero) there will be no maximum size of the virtual memory allocated by the EDMexpressVM. Hence, an exception will not be raised until the system is "out of virtual memory". This may lead to malfunctions on some systems platforms that sometimes cannot be repaired until the EXPRESS Data Manager is terminated and restarted (due to operating system malfunctions).
The default value of EDM_EVM_MAX_MEM_USAGE is 0 (zero).








EDM provides two levels of object ownership/protection and object access checking, i.e., "standard access checking" and "extensive access checking". This configuration variable should be set to TRUE when "extensive access checking" should be used; else it should be set to FALSE. This configuration value must be set before an EDMdatabase is created to have any effect. Normally EDMdatabase that will be used by an EDMserver™ should be created with EDM_EXTENSIVE_ACCESS_CHECKING = TRUE. For detailed description of object ownership, protection and access-rights see ???




The file path of the directory (folder) containing the actual EDM installation. This mandatory configuration parameter is set when the EDM is installed. This configuration variable is used by the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>GenerateInterface>Cpp. Hence, this configuration variable must be set before this command is invoked. Application programmers should use this variable when referring to include files and libraries.



Configuration variable that defines the host name or host IP address to the system (host) that runs the actual EDMserver. This configuration variable is effective for EDMfatClients including EDMappservers.



In EDMexpressX instances are implicitly created when referenced with dot notation, on the left-hand side of an Assignment statement. In the Express language this "automatic instance creation" mechanism is by default not active. This mechanism is activated if the value of EDM_IMPLICIT_INSTANCE_CREATION is set to TRUE. If the value of EDM_IMPLICIT_INSTANCE_CREATION is FALSE the "automatic instance creation" mechanism is disabled.
aMan : MAN;
aMan.wife.name := 'Mary';
When executing, the assignment statement
"aMan.wife.name := 'Mary';",
an instance of type MAN will be automatically created and a reference to this instance will be stored in the local variable "aMan", when the "aMan" variable is indeterminate. Likewise, when the "wife" attribute value in the MAN instance is indeterminate, a WOMAN instance will be automatically created and referenced by the "wife" attribute of the MAN instance. We assume that the domain of the "wife" attribute is of type WOMAN.
The default value of EDM_IMPLICIT_INSTANCE_CREATION is TRUE, i.e., the "automatic instance creation" mechanism is enabled.




This configuration variable defines if an EDMdatabase can contain EdmInstanceContainer or not. The available value to be assigned is TRUE or FALSE. Hence this configuration variable must be set before the actual EDMdatabase is created to get any effect.







This configuration variable defines the maximum number of "written-in" (updated) cache blocks a model can have in the EDM cache before starting to "steel" (write-back and reuse block) own blocks. This configuration variable is provided as an instrument for increasing system performance. Normally the default setting is acceptable. See system tuning ???




{0 ,0,"EDM_MAX_MODEL_TRANSACTION_VERSIONS" ,&A_EDM_MAX_MODEL_TRANSACTION_VERSIONS[0] ,false ,&maxModelTransactionVersions ,0 ,sdaiINTEGER,&def_maxModelTransactionVersions ,false},




This configuration variable defines the maximum times in second an EDMremoteClient will wait for getting service by an EDMappserver before returning with a time-out response.




The STEP File (SPF) read operation maintains a mapping table that holds the relation between SPF identifiers and EDMdatabase identifiers. This mapping table can be located in virtual memory or as volatile data in the database. Mapping table in virtual memory improves performance, but size is limited to available virtual memory.
This variable defines the maximum file size in MB for locating the mapping table in virtual memory.
Default value for this variable is 50, i.e., STEP Files with a size up to 50 MB will be using mapping table in virtual memory.




Defines the database cache size in number of database blocks for a stand-alone (single-user) EDM system. To be effective, this configuration variable must be set before the actual EDM system opens the session. The value of this configuration variable normally has a great influence of system performance. The value should be seen in relation to the size of physical memory and size of virtual memory (swapping file) in the actual system. A "normal" value should be in the range from 25000 to 75000 (25MB – 75MB). The default value is 25000.




EDM has a built-in virtually memory trace for the allocation and release of virtual memory. This functionality is normally only used by (EDM) specialists for system debugging. The trace result written to a file. This configuration variable specifies the full filename of this file.



This configuration variable defines the minimum number of database blocks in the EDMcache. The setting of this configuration value is normally only for EDM system specialists during system debugging.







Set this variable with a value to denote the precision of REAL numbers used throughout the EXPRESS Data Manager system. The default value is 0.000000001.






Defines the database cache size in number of database blocks for an EDMserver. To be effective, this configuration variable must be set before the actual EDMserver opens the session. The size of the cache in an EDMserver is normally relatively small, i.e., typically in the range 5000 – 10000 (5MB – 10MB). The default value is 5000.








This configuration variable defines the communication port to the actual EDMserver for an EDMfatClient, include EDMfatClient running as an EDMappserver. The value must be defined as a numeric value, not a name. The combination of EDM_HOST and EDM_SERVICE_PORT defines a unique EDMserver in the universe.







Set variable with information to be included in the header section of a STEP File when no particular "STEP Header Model" is specified in the invocation of the STEP Write operation.
The values of the variable must be written in quotes and must not contain line breaks.
set EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR="Paul Sitoh, EPM Tech, Grenseveien 107, N-0663 Oslo, Norway"
The variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR is by default not defined (unset).



Defines the maximum characters per line in a STEP Physical File (P21, IFC) produced by the EXPRESS Data Manager. Specifying a length of 0 means that there will be no line breaks within one entity instance on the STEP file. The default value of EDMI_STEP_FILE_LINE_LENGTH is 72.




This configuration variable defines how the transactions should be handled in the EDMserver. The four legal values (strings) for this configuration variable are:

  1. RELAXED – The EDMdatabase will be directly updated from a client on "commit transaction". An abnormal termination of an EDMfatClient or an EDMappserver that perform a "commit transaction" or the EDMserver during "commit transaction", will result in an inconsistent (corrupted) EDMdatabase. Hence, the only way to proceed is to restore a backup database or to create a new one. This is the "fastest" way to handle "commit transaction".
  2. RELAXED_AND_SAFE_FAT_CLIENT – The EDMdatabase will be directly updated from an EDMappserver on "commit transaction". A "commit transaction" operation from other EDMfatClients may have a long duration due to slow or bad network. Hence, termination during "commit transaction" is more likely for an EDMfatClient than for an EDMappserver. To make the "commit transaction" operation more secure for an EDMfatClient, the updated database blocks will first be stored by the EDMserver in a temporarily file and then update the EDMdatabase from this file. An abnormal termination of an EDMappserver or the EDMserver during updating of the EDMdatabase will result in an inconsistent (corrupted) EDMdatabase. Hence, the only way to proceed is to restore a backup database or to create a new one. This is the "next to fastest" way to handle "commit transaction".
  3. BIM_LOG – The default value of EDM_TRANSACTION_SECURITY:A copy of the database blocks to be updated are written to a "before-image-log" file before the same actual EDMdatabase blocks are updated. Then the EDMdatabase is directly updated from the actual EDMappserver or the actual EDMfatClient. If an abnormal termination of either of these during a "commit transaction" process, the EDMserver will recover the EDMdatabase from the "before-image-log" file. In case of abnormal termination of the EDMserver during "updating of the EDMdatabase from the before-image-log file", the next "OpenDatabase" operation will copy all the necessary "before-image-log" files to the EDMdatabase before the actual EDMdatabase is opened. This functionality should "guarantee" that all "commit transactions" are properly stored (safe) in the EDMdatabase.

  1. TRANSACTION_LOG - Full transaction log is not implemented in EDM 5.0.

The variable EDM_TRANSACTION_SECURITY is by default not defined (unset) and the BIM_LOG feature is used.



Defining this variable to FALSE, causes the EXPRESS Data Manager to allocate new space when data is created/updated in the database, instead of recovering old and released spaces, i.e., no garbage collection of the database will be performed.
Pros.: possible improved performance.
Cons.: increased disc space consumption.
The variable EDM_UNPACKED_MODELS is by default set to FALSE, and can not be changed.




For those unfamiliar with the concept of complex entities, please refer to EDMassist Volume III for explanation of the handling of complex entities before setting this variable.
Set this variable to correspond to the anticipated number of complex entities generated during model population. The value of the variable is expressed as a percentage of the number of non-complex entities in a schema.
The default value for this variable is 15 percent.




This variable is used for performance tuning. Set variable with a value denoting the size of the hash tables used by the EDMmodelConverter functions xpxMapInstance and xpxMapInteger.
The default value is 1024, which corresponds to a hash table with a width size of 1024 entries.




This configuration variable defines the number of retries that will be performed in communication between an EDMremoteClient and an EDMappserver in case of any communication error (time-out or others). For each retry the actual EDMremoteClient will ask the EDMserver for assigning a new EDMappserver.




The first time an EDMremoteClient is invoking an EDMserver with a new EDMserverContext, the EDMserver is assigning a particular EDMappserver for this communication and normally this communication is "fixed" until the termination of the actual EDMremoteClient. For performance reasons it may be interesting to change this "fixed" communication between one EDMremoteClient.EDMserverContext and a particular EDMappserver. This configuration variable can be used to specify that the actual EDMremoteClient will ask the EDMserver after a new EDMappserver to communicate with through the actual EDMserverContext after the number of communication-calls specified in this configuration variable. When this configuration variable is set to 0 (zero), the actual EDMremoteClient.EdmServerContext will always use the EDMappserver assigned by the EDMserver in the first invocation.
An EDMremoteClient.EDMserverContext may change EDMapplication to communicate with due to time-outs or other events, independent of the value of this configuration variable.




This configuration variable defines the communication type for an EDMfatClient to an EDMserver. The available choices are TCP and HTTP.



When the communication type between an EDMfatClient and the EDMserver is HTTP, this configuration variable defines the receiving tunnel on the server. This value is appended to the server name and port to form the complete URL used, for example using:
will yield the complete URL: http://some_url:8080//EDMHttpTunnelServlet
The tunnel will unpack the received HTTP messages and reroute these to the EDMserver, and pack EDMserver responses into HTTP packages and return to the client.



When the communication type between an EDMfatClient and the EDMserver is HTTP, this configuration variable defines the name of the host (system) that runs the EDMIhttpTunnel. The value can be specified as a name or an IP address.



When the communication type between an EDMfatClient and the EDMserver is HTTP, this configuration variable defines the communication port number used for communication to the EDMIhttpTunnel. The value of this configuration variable must be specified as a numeric value.




This configuration variable defines the full path to an IFC 3D viewer that can receive data in ifcXML format and can be invoked with the actual ifcXML file name as the argument in the invocation. This configuration variable is used by the command Data>Xml>WriteXmlDocument(P28e2) in the EDMsupervisor.



Define the directory where the EXPRESS Data Manager temporary files should be stored. The default is the temporary directory for the logged in user. This directory is named as:
C:\Documents and Settings\<usr>\Local Settings\Temp
It is useful to clean up this directory regularly.














In case an EDMfatClient using HTTP communication type in communication with an EDMserver, and must communicate through a proxy server, this configuration variable defines the name of the proxy server. The name can be specified as a name or a numeric IP address.



In case an EDMfatClient using HTTP communication type in communication with an EDMserver, and must communicate through a proxy server, this configuration variable defines the communication port on the proxy server. This value must be specified as a numeric value.














85LOCAL_DATABASE_NAMEonly relevant in an EDMserver systems. In a single user system is equal to DATABASE_NAME
86LOCAL_DATABASE_LOCATIONonly relevant in an EDMserver systems. In a single user system is equal to DATABASE_LOCATION







94MIN_FREE_DISC_SPACE_BEFORE_WARNING The minimum percentage free disc space out of total disc space, available to EDMserver before a warning is written to the console and a report is written to the EDM server report file. The actual write transaction will be executed. The default value is 10%.
95MIN_FREE_DISC_SPACE_BEFORE_ERRORThe minimum percentage free disc space out of total disc space, available to EDMserver before a an error is written to the console and a report is written to the EDM server report file. The actual write transaction will not be performed, it will return with the actual error message you report. The default value is 5%.
96ECORE_1144_PATCHBoolean variable turning on patch for EDMtruePLM server to avoid appserver misbehavior in some special cases. Flag needs to be set on appservers with -ae or sysenv method, since supervisor doesn't always communicate updated config parameters to appserver after startup. NOTE:as of edmcpore-v602.30.134 this fix modifies the transaction system it might have unforeseen consequences with regards to backwards compatibility.   FALSE


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