

This page is for developers who want to go more into the details about the internal architecture of the EDMstandaloneClient.

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The figure to the left shows the main modules of the EDMsdk. In the following, we will give a brief description of each module. When drawing system diagrams for EDMsix, a simplified block is used to represent the EDMstandaloneClient.

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The EDMremoteInterface is represented by the four greyed gates. TCP, HTTP, LOCAL_DB and LOCAL_CONTEXT

The following is a description of each of the modules in the block diagram.

EDMInterface Language Bindings


The EDMInterface Language Bindings are implemented with the EDMinterface and EDMremoteInterface APIs. The following language bindings are available; C, C++, Java, VisualBasic and .NET

EDMInterface API

This is the EDMInterface API used for EDMstandaloneClients. The API is written in C, and all the EDMInterface API function signatures are declared in the sdai.h header file. The EDMInterface API requires an EDMsdk license. Some of these EDMInterface API functions are only available when activated by your license key. E.g, you need to have the EDMsdk Advanced to compile EDMmethod schemas and the licensed extension module EDMmodelChecker is required to run global rule validations on data sets.

 EDMremoteInterface API

The EDMremoteInterface API is available without an EDMsdk license. EDMthinClient applications must use this API to access the TCP and HTTP communication ports. All EDMremoteInterface API functions take the Server Context input parameter to specify the information required to connect to an EDMsixServer.

The two ports LOCAL_CONTEXT and LOCAL_DB are only available if you have an EDMsdk license on your system. It is these gates that make it possible to write EDMstandaloneClient applications with the EDMremoteInterface API. The two gates loop every call back to the local EDMdatabase that is opened by the EDMstandaloneClient

 EDMsix Core

This is the very core of the EDMsix platform of Express Data Manager. It contains the EDM Compilers and debuggers, The STEP and XML import/export modules, the EDMvirtualMachine with EDMmodelConverter, EDMmodelChecker and EDMqueryEngine, the memory manager, the access control system and virtually any other core feature in EDMsix. This is the component that is included in every EDMsix product.


The EDMdatabase is Jotne EPM Technology’s proprietary storage technology. It consists of a set of persistent files in a single database folder on the file system. The EDMdatabase is configured with a DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter that specifies the maximum number of bytes that is handled i a single memory block. Data is modified in transactions, and it is not until these transactions are committed that they are written to the persistent data files. Modifications are made in the memory cache. The size of this cache is vital for the performance of the system and is often the first tuning parameter to look at when experiencing performance problems. The size of the cache is the product of the parameters EDM_MEMORY_BLOCKS and DB_BLOCK_SIZE.








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