The EDMmodelServer

The EDMmodelServer

Jotne's EDMmodelServer is an EDMsixServer application based on the EDMsix platform. The EDMmodelServer provides a Server Side Plugin (SSP) feature that enables developers to write EDMexpressX methods and compile them into the EDMdatabase. Once an SSP is installed on the server side, its methods are available to the end users through the EDMmodelServerManager thin client. The EDMmodelServer diagram below shows the principle;

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_i_EDMmodelServerSSP(450px)'.

The figure shows two of Jotne's Server Side Plugins, but developers may also write their own. There are several significant advantages with using SSP's. Performance vise, this is normally by far the most efficient way, and since the methods are installed in the EDMdatabase, there is no need to upgrade the EDMthinClient applications with the new functionality. The methods will be available to all clients through the EDMsix Server Side Plugin architecture. The EDMsix diagram below shows an EDMmodelServer with three EDMapplicationServers and two simultaneous EDMmodelServerManager clients.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_i_EDMmodelServerAndClients(700px)'.

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