

An EDMtransactionNumber is a concept that identifies each write transaction in an EDMdataModel.  An EDMtransactionNumber consist of the following two INTEGER data elements

  1. Timestamp, a _TIMESTAMP data type that holds the date and time of the last committed transaction of the actual model. Changes made within an OpenModelForWriteAccess ” CloseModel session will be handled in the same way as a transaction, i.e. , all changes in stand alone mode will result in a new EDMtransactionNumber in the actual model
  2.   A transaction number, an INTEGER counter incremented by one for each committed transaction of the actual model.

Example of usage:


For avoiding unnecessary runs of heavy calculations that may last for minutes, the application can read the actual EDMtransactionNumber and store it together with the result of the heavy calculation. Later invocations of the heavy calculation will test the stored EDMtransactionNumber against the current EDMtransactionNumber to decide if any changes have been made since the last run, if yes, the heavy calculation must be run again. If not, the result of the last run is still valid and can be returned without any new run of the actualœheavy calculation




