Legal Names in EDMrepository and EDMmodel Names

Legal Names in EDMrepository and EDMmodel Names

The names of the EDMrepository and EDMmodel are based on the encoding of the database. The legal characters can be extended with a set of characters by defining the EDMconfigVariable
and setting the extended set of characters to this EDMconfigVaraiable. As an example,

set EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS = "!#$%&'*+-/=?^`{|}~@._æøåÆØÅ0123456789"


When the EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS is defined, all characters defined in EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS plus all alpha-numeric characters hyphen ('-'), and undersscore ('_') are allowed in a repository and model name. But when EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS is not defined, the first character in a model and repository name must be a letter, the rest of the characters can be any alpha-numeric characters, plus underscore ('_') and hyphen ('-') characters.

The setting of this EDMconfigVariable must be done before an EDMdatabase is created to have any effect, i.e., the defined set of EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS in an EDMdatabase cannot be changed after it is created.

The following character values are always illegal  for the name of the EDMrepository and EDMmodel :
 1 — 32, '*', '.', 127 — 160, 255.


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