Legal Names in EDMrepository and EDMmodel Names
The names of the EDMrepository and EDMmodel are based on the encoding of the database. The legal characters can be extended with a set of characters by defining the EDMconfigVariable
and setting the extended set of characters to this EDMconfigVaraiable. As an example,
set EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS = "!#$%&'*+-/=?^`{|}~@._æøåÆØÅ0123456789"
When the EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS is defined, all characters defined in EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS plus all alpha-numeric characters hyphen ('-'), and undersscore ('_') are allowed in a repository and model name. But when EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS is not defined, the first character in a model and repository name must be a letter, the rest of the characters can be any alpha-numeric characters, plus underscore ('_') and hyphen ('-') characters.
The setting of this EDMconfigVariable must be done before an EDMdatabase is created to have any effect, i.e., the defined set of EDM_EXTENDED_NAME_CHARACTERS in an EDMdatabase cannot be changed after it is created.
The following character values are always illegal for the name of the EDMrepository and EDMmodel :
1 — 32, '*', '.', 127 — 160, 255.